When I'm the main tank, I get gold/silver damage. When I'm a DPS, also gold/silver damage. Moira? Gold/Silver damage

Can someone explain this phenomenon? Why is it that I as either the main tank or off-tank can constantly/always outdamage my dps, but then when I DPS (or play Moira) I outdamage the people playing tanks and/or the other dps?

And no, I’m not one of those people that just fire at everything all of the time for trash damage. I will do that to charge an ult, and try to help get a pick, but I’m not getting the medals for just being the best at trash damage. As Moira, I’m constantly healing and using more yellow orbs than purple.

How hard is it for people to do damage? It’s literally gotten to the point where I can tell if my team is going to lose or not. If I have every gold medal as a tank, my dps are literally doing close to nothing, and if I only have a couple, my dps players are actually pulling their weight.

I actually understand it sometimes. Certain tanks are just going to do more damage than certain flankers. Doesn’t necessarily mean the flanker isn’t doing their job.

But sure, I get it. Mostly it makes little sense.

Sometimes the tanks fail to create space, and dps do poorly.

Sometimes healers don’t heal tanks (this baffles me), so tanks fail to create space and then…dps do poorly.

Sometimes, dps miss their shots, on a target slept by my Ana dart…laying in front of them :frowning:

This makes me rage so hard too. These players need to play WoW arenas. Your positional awareness will rise dramatically if you do.

If you’re just going for kills you aren’t playing tank or healer how you should. Make space, let higher damage hero’s do the actual damage.

I’m master. I think I’m playing my role correctly.

I’m masters too. Just saying a rein who is always swinging isn’t facilitating a higher damage hero than one who uses shield. Or a Winston who just dives in, does cleave damage, then dies while their team gets farmed at the choke. Or a Moira who uses damage orb and ults through barriers…

I swing for the fences when I can, but I spend a lot of my time with my shield up. I don’t play Winston often, but when I do, I don’t jump in recklessly most of the time. As moira I use more yellow than purple.

Maybe you’re just better than everyone. Is that what you want to hear?

It’s depressing to watch masters players arguing about teammates having the same flaws I see in gold. Then I see masters/GM players with less than 200 comp games played total.

I don’t know what you’re getting at here.

Probably on an alt account or just really mechanically gifted.

Masters players just make less mistakes and miss less shots, they still have an awful understanding of the game (myself included) compared to pros. I’ve played in bronze and silver on smurf accounts and people make callouts I wouldn’t expect what most would consider a bad player to make. I’ve seen Winston’s 180 on their way to a widow to hide their crit box. Didn’t expect to see that in bronze.


Its not olympics, stop focusing medals.

There is no maybe imo.

gold damage means nothing in this game because the person who stays alive longest has the most damage. the healer that stays alive longest gets the most healing. I have no trouble beating ana in about 80% of my games as lucio because I just die less.

in fact, if I don’t protect ana, I’m more likely to beat her in healing while losing.

Basically don’t focus on dealing damage, focus on keeping your teammates alive, making callouts, and then helping them with what they try to accomplish.

to be honest it amazes me that tanks can be in masters and still be worrying about medals.

I understand that it’s really hard to carry as main tank if your team isn’t getting enough done, but you just do what you can to enable them, keep them alive, and make plays of your own.

if you’re in masters or above you no longer need to be thinking that just doing “correct” things is going to win you the game. the enemy team will have talented players as well. You need to be thinking about what kind of hero plays you can make that will have major impact. you need to be watching for any moment of weakness on the enemy’s part to take advantage of.

i feel like you players get up to high rank and then expect to win just by playing well even though you’re playing against the top 3%. You shouldn’t be playing well to do that, you have to be a ravenous force that is crushing the enemy as many fights as possible by your own effect. there is no way in a masters game that there won’t be at least 1-2 players that are going to get amazing plays for the other team. you have to either block these or make some of your own.

when i watch pros stomp in gm, they are literally doing 4 people’s work most team fights. bottom 4 players on the team have little impact, it’s the top players that are a tier above that just dominate the game hard.

if you want to climb above master tier you need to be playing tiers above, just like surefour randomly solo shuts down 3/4 of the enemy pushes himself (the other ones he gets overwhelmed by massive numbers of ults)

When I’m Orisa, the only thing she does other than use barriers and gravity balls is damage. What more would you have me do when I’m being as aggressive as I can with fortify without suiciding myself, gravity balling people off ledges and/or together for splash, and drumming when we can wipe the enemy? All I have after that is my gun, which does damage, which somehow outdamages at least one of my DPS in nearly every game. When I have the bronze or no damage medal, I win every time, because my dps are ACTUALLY DOING DAMAGE. It’s not a coincidence.

I honestly feel you a lot because as you go up in rank orisa becomes less and less able to get kills on her own without hitting really good gravity balls.

Just focus on maximizing the number of kills you can secure by saving gravity balls for kills.

But I definitely agree that orisa does not have the carry potential of a dps in a lot of comps. She functions as tank damage/ shield damage, and poke/displacement during a lot of fights.

Honestly that’s one of the reasons I want a role queue. If there is a role queue, then the dev team can measure performance and the ability of characters to carry at a given rank, which might lead to more buffs for main tanks. Right now main tanks aren’t buffed because they are scared of stacked main tanks

I personally find orisa to be one of the best defensive tanks, but not hugely influential other than enabling her team…your win chances on defense are high as orisa, but even if you play amazingly it seems pretty difficult to carry bad dps.

as for winston, I consider his carry potential trash without a good dva/wrecking ball with him.

similarly, with reinhardt, I think that rein is garbage at carrying without a zarya.

ball seems pretty good at carrying and doesn’t require a pair tank as much. Maybe main tank players will all play ball eventually.

I miss lower ranks…in gold and low plat you could just carry with winston even if they had lots of winston counters because they weren’t organized. as I go up I have to a dva to help with those counters or my char is useless.

similarly for rein if you don’t have a zarya/dva, you are stuck as a shield bot a lot of the time…