When can we see changes to bastion?

Bastion has been at the bottom of the bucket for his whole life and is practically forgotten. I hope that with the devs changing the game for the better they’ll make changes towards him so that he can a better hero.

I really do like the helicopter configuration idea to be honest.


Symmetra Golden Gun Pose

Symmetra Golden Gun Victory Pose!

Sym Golden Glove Megathread

Plugging your threads on a Sym golden gun in a thread on Bastion changes kinda just makes this whole thing distracting.

Otherwise, I personally like Bastion’s current playstyle and if they ever got rid of it, I would probably quit Overwatch. I just want him to feel good to play. A suggestion I’ve asked for is for Bastion to get a boost of speed after transforming into Recon configuration for a way to disengage from fights quicker.


to change bastion to be “more” viable would mean to make him everything he’s not currently.

that would probably mean to rework how sentry configuration works completely in functionality.

and completely re-tool his entire purpose.

and people who like bastion would probably hate that.

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His old barrier back and ironclad gone

That would be a good start with experiments

Bastion doesn’t need much, most of the current changes have been a step in the right direction.

So the same percentage increase in self-repair once again, reduce the base spread by another 10%, and the only substantial change is have ironclad apply while transforming.

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Game will be really close to balanced after experimental. Just wait a bit longer. Bastion brig maybe sym and junkrat will probably be looked at next. But after the OWL finals. As they do not want brig buffed back to be viable in tournement

you do know to off-set that before they made so he couldn’t turn around 360 degrees with his own barrier, and you know what happened then? every bastion put their back against a wall so they couldn’t get shot from the back.

It also meant Bastion was locked down to a singular angle if he did that, and Overwatch has plenty of those .

That and they’d form phalanxes in beta, so theres also that

I’m confused why they haven’t done that honestly.

I agree, some hero’s have specific ways they’re are played and that’s it. I’m sorry, I’m just really dedicated to making it happen!

A speed boost sounds quite good to me, it would also allow the player to move to a better location in a fight so that they can have more opportunities for kills as well as retreating when a fight is lost

I would die to see how people would react, most would probably say it’s overpowered, but I don’t really think it would be, he’s still immobile.

You’d think that would already be implemented, the transformations aren’t long enough to warrant it not being a thing in my eyes.

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It would be interesting if they did just give bastion an absurd buff along with a reasonable buff, everyone focuses all their effort onto the absurd buff that’s almost immediately removed and then they’ve got no outrage left to oppose the reasonable buff.

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