When brig kills wreaking ball, she says:

Wtf did you expose? :thinking:

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Even Brig prefers Jetpack Cat.

*goat person

He might have the mindset of a 50 year old man… mnhh…

Fun Fact: Brig is a really strong counter against ball even people like Yeattle can have trouble against her

Guinea pig is a popular cuisine in some countries, maybe hamster is pretty good, plus hammonds pretty thick :hamster:

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tracer roast on reaper is also pretty good
“death coomes”

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Bunnies are the best obviously!

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What they’re trying to say is that since you wrote the word furry, you’re a furry, pretty sure that’s the way it works.


Not entirely wrong


Ball is a hamster though.

And there are people who keep pet rats. I don’t know why, they are just weird.

I don’t care what he is. To me he is just a dirty, filthy, disgusting RAT.

Hmm, I always thought Brig was a goat person.

I like stuff like that.
Sigma for example says when you absorb the McGree ult.
Ha missed. I like that too its funny because hes ult has auto aim XD

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sombra should say “adios, rat” or “goodbye, rat” cuz i really love how carolina says rat :relieved: