What's your "flex" skin?

I think Brick Bastion can still potentially skirt by any PR issues, considering the original event may have had LEGO branding, but the skin is just called “Brick”. But yeah, I agree that Pink and Alien are locked fairly tight.

The “bring back Pink Mercy” posts are practically a meme at this point, but I think they could bring it back as a remix. Do something like Lavender Mercy, which has the catch-all general cancer awareness messaging. It doesn’t necessarily have to be from Remix Vol 3, but I think that way, Blizz could help reduce the demand for Pink Mercy. Especially since Pink Mercy has that special chime when her target hits full health, an exclusive function no other skin has.

OWL gray d.va before they gave it away for free like candies.

Now I just use Black cat because nothing in this game is rare anymore.


I have most limited time skins but my best ones are probably the blizzcon 2019 skins

Nano Cola was a fun flex before they brought them back with the Remix promotions. It’s also the only skin where she has a pony tail from an Epic quality skin (before OW2).

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Yeah and even before that it wasn’t very rare. I have seen people with it all the time.

Could be wrong but I wouldn’t think the pack has Noire. Wasn’t Noire a preorder bonus?

Contenders Junkrat.It’s the only contenders skin I have earned because when Mercy and Sym were available the drops were buggy and I didn’t get them. I got annoyed and didn’t care about them after that until I randomly tried for Junkrat.

That might go over well, but whatever Blizz does… It’s about to get a lot more FOMO. But nothing will truely be rare, and you can’t trust them really, because most things can eventually come back even if they say something is going away, because they’ll bring it back whenever it’s convenient for them.

Mercy is the most popular hero in the game… So whenever they give her a Mythic Skin it’s probably going to be a big deal for her fans. Especially if these mythic skins come with customization slots for further cosmetic modification. I’m sure blizzard has done a lot of research here on what they intend to sell to the public.

Heroes like her and Genji are of the most potential for sales. Especially when a crazy influx of young demographics come into the game when it goes FtP.

Um… Fleur de Lis Widow? I don’t really have many Limited Skins, lol. I don’t even use that one very often.

Roadhog and Winston MVPs from OWL skins.

GOATS & Medic Brig , OWL Grey & All-Stars 2019 Mercy!

For me it might be Lightning Tracer because everybody hates it.

Lightning Tracer is the ultimate flex haha.

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Flying Ace Winston. I don’t think people even really remember that it exists.

Zen-nakji too, but I see that more frequently.


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Noire and Blizzcon 2016 Bastion. However I never use Noire because I suck at Widow, but I use my Blizzcon Bastion all of the time.

If you have either of those skins it shows and proves you are a true OG Overwatch player.

Demon Hunter Sombra (my icon). It’s funny how a skin can be expensive to free in a random Halloween event.

Tyrande Sym :slight_smile:

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I remember seeing a lot of OW players who initially brought the 2018 virtual ticket for DH Sombra say they refunded the virtual ticket after realizing they’ll be able to get the skin in the future anyways lol

Blizzard almost certainly does not want that to happen again so that’s probably the reason they haven’t re-released Blizzcon cosmetics since then.

Kerrigan Widow (if I ever played her), Midas Roadhog, and green Valiant Orisa and Mercy.