What's your favorite map?

Mine is probably Watchpoint Gibraltar.


Kings row, Havana (oh nah nah) and dorado I would say.

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I’m here before meme’s row becomes the majority.

Honestly I really like Gibraltar as well. Never that frustrating to play on and lots of fun flank routes to use.

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You have sinned


I absolutely despise control maps though, Lijiang, Nepal, oasis, ílios

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It’s pretty though :frowning:

Lunar Colony for some odd reason.

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I love Volskaya a lot


Yeah, same it’s probably my 2nd favorite 2cp map.

Anúbis being first?
(20 char)

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I really like a lot of the 2CP maps, controversial but I think I like 2CP as a mode in general.

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Probably Rialto but don’t ask me to justify it.
It’s because of the boops.


Omg I totally forgot hanamura even existed

I don’t like the game mode much due to it being super snowbally. But some of the maps are pretty good.

My personal favourite( I didn’t say because I don’t know if it counts) is Black Forest, it’s so beautiful to me

I love the way it looks as well.

The sin from Havana is forgiven then?

I would delete control Maps if I could

They are not necessarily bad, it’s just that I would rather play ANYTHING else rather than control. It’s so boring, which suck, ílios is so pretty