What's Wrong With The Ranking System. (And How To Fix It)

Shadow :slight_smile: …once again we can agree to disagree <3

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How can you disagree with that statement when top player can maintain over 80% winrate when he is playing on alt? Hell even I can have 90% winrate from bronze to gold and i am low dia peak.

Some games are unwinnable, I know, but majority will be lost because you did mistakes or didnt carry hard enough.

Yes, I mentioned the hard carries and it is true that good players contribute more than the 17% (1/6). To that I can agree, but still the most of the match outcome when we take all the games played i.e. long term as well (if you wanna go that way) comes from other players and not a single player. These 80%+ win rate guys represent like what, 1-5% from player base?

My point was that it can be done, every player can do it. Not all of them obviously will. If you are better than others, you will incluence more games.

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That I can agree 100%

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The ranking system sucks to be honest. You can play lights out and still lose 20-30 SR.

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Well of course SR would drop. You lost 66% of the games. The point is that if you preformed well in all those games, and won the fourth playing similarly well, you’d be at a higher SR than you started. i.e. You got a 50% win rate over the 4 matches, yet you still climbed.

I hate this notion of carrying. It’s a myth. Cuz if a 5v6 is seen as an idiotic engagement doomed to failure if you don’t wait to regroup, then how can ANY one hero role be expected to 1v6 and make up for 1-5 deadweights feeding? If that’s possible, then neither the game nor that hero is balanced AT ALL. (And we can be sure a patch is soon to follow)

If you mean carrying your 1/6th share of the work, that’s best done when everyone’s actually trying to win. Whether they are GM or fresh outta bronze, if one person on your team is throwing, your attempt to climb is shot. You have to be far better that what you already are to make up for that, and that’s not who I mean. I’m talking about training up the rookie in each tier, those at the bottom who need to practice the skills to get better, but the number the game cares about most is Win Vs Loss.

Yes, smurfs care about easy wins more than a fair struggle, but I don’t hate them for the easy wins as much as I HATE the deliberate losses. Locking the bottom would remove the need for them to lose games, which is precisely antithetical to their teammates getting better. Now they would only have to win their games, which would allow more honest, hardworking players every opportunity to surf past them without being dragged down.

Plus, if you allow players the option to stay/leave a certain tier, then this would itself balance out. I’d love to see more games in top-gold where 12 3000-SR fakers all group up with each other and it ends up a fair matchup anyway. This would have the effect of filtering players into sub-tiers within the ranks; The top players desperate to win and move up, and the bottom rookies practicing the new tactics of that tier.

And if you really think “staying good as you are” is so important, this would solve that too. The worst players of each tier would only be grouped with other rock-bottom players of that tier, comparing low MMR instead of only SR. Allowing the dirt to settle would allow the talented to rise, or at least not inhibit them. Top-tier would be a bunch of tryhard experts and Smurfs who would HELP their teammates win, and the bottom would be all the new, unrefined rookies and the boosted noobs who can’t cut it and lose every game til they either figure it out or give up and stop playing their stolen pre-leveled account. Gone would be the unnecessary loss of a Smurf who COULD have helped you win but chose to shoot you all in the foot for his own whims.


Q: what happens when smurfs who place in bronze keep stomping over and over again but choose not to move on to silver?

A: Nobody in bronze who should be in silver will ever get to silver, because to get to silver they have to beat plats or diamonds or whatever.

If you thought it was hard to climb before, you’re consolidating a “smurf barrier” at the top of every tier that acts as a glass ceiling.

It’s good that you’re trying to figure this out, but you’re overlooking the most important fact of competitive play: that it is handicapped with matchmaking rating. Any discussion of fixing competitive play should include the removal of handicapping/MMR. For more info, please see my thread on the subject: