Whats with the sym beam

Do you expect every time you queue and there’s a Symmetra on the enemy team that one of your dps will know how to play Doomfist?
He’s one of the least picked heroes in the game and he requires so much training to get good with

when I was talking about my games??, my reply was only because I just can’t believe this

Doomfist is not one of the least picked characters in ow especially in gm and masters

that’s irrelevant because zarya maintains charge longer, can build it steadily because of her barriers and build and her beam starts off at 95dps and not winston tier 65dps like sym’s i.e. usable without charge. whereas sym often can’t even get in range to charge unless the team pockets her for the entirety of the fight now.

right because knowing when the enemy will shoot you as an enemy front line is hard compared /s

you seem to be the one ignoring that most heroes can kill her within that time and not even talking about whether she’s already within 12m or not.

again was it really the buff or double shield meta giving her more chances of having a lvl 3 beam when before syms could literally have gone through matches without getting lvl3 beam and pulling their weight (and wasn’t an infrequent occurrence too).


I love it when they bring up zarya. What about zarya? Zarya has 15 length while sym has 12, she has more health, defensive abilities, and starts at 95 dps at 0 charge while sym is 65. Get it right

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and without double shield comp? where will the nerfs leave her?

to quote the devs

sym as an individual is not OP. nerfing he further when she wasn’t near being individually OP in the first place doesn’t make sense. Again, she literally has one of the most situational weapons in the game. Is it really sym’s individual balance being the issue? OR is it actually the meta?


Then nerf double shield

Never said she was op just her beam is broken lol the meta helps her its a fact but 190DPS by holding down LMB is absolutely disgusting. I’m not asking to gut her, i’m just not in favor of this glass canon balance they put in the game where a character is awful at many things but way too good at a specific thing.

How is that irrelevant?
Sym gets her max charge 66% faster and has the highest dps

Yes knowing when the enemy is gonna shoot you with big burst damage is harder that shooting the big red rectangle.
Unless you’re below gold, not everyone is gonna shoot the big bright sphere.

Not when she’s behind two barriers.

The meta is just showcasing her true potential.

join the club. but apparently non-sym mains tend to change their mind so much about sym.
pre 3.0: “she’s so niche she’s trash reee rework her”
sigma patch in PTR to now: “omg sym having a niche is fine. gimme that taxi tp. killing sym’s independence and flexibility? who cares I want that taxi. OH AND NERF HER NICHE TOO”


forums:“Niche characters are fine”

Forums after sym fulfills her niche:" WHAT NO!!!NERF!!!"

I’m just tired of it all and want sym 4.0 at this point

If i was the head of balance team i’d leave her as support and try to find the perfect balance with all 3 versions and give her healing capabilities (she would have one of the most complex kits in the game).

I wanna remind you that this is about whose weapon is more niche: zarya’s vs sym’s.

zarya can use hers off the bat with decent dps. zarya’s worries about dying for charge literally aren’t as high as sym’s because zarya’s barriers save her and conveniently is zarya’s method of charging i.e. the way to charge literally synergises with zarya’s position, role, bulk, everything.

sym’s? doesn’t synergise at all. can’t get close to charge or use primary most of the time unless team pocket. can’t live long enough to charge up and utilise it each fight. result? weapon being highly situational.

what’s easier/more likely to be pulled off:
body blocking with the rest of your team who the enemy will definitely frequently be shooting at
1 of the following:

  • sneaking up on 6 enemies to get a good angle to charge primary up for >2.56s within 12m of the enemy or at least their barrier praying they won’t notice and kill you during that
  • waiting for the enemy to drop a barrier or wall in your team’s safe zone
  • or getting the whole team to pocket a hero with a large stigma like they would for a bastion for the entirety of the fight?

what’s the average then? why nerf her kit then? if she’s terrible outside 1 specific comp and terrible in the rest, the action that makes least sense is nerfing her kit which would make her globally worse.

I’m not gonna answer the first two points because you’re obviously trying to make a point out of something just make your self more credible and it’s not working.
But I’ll say this

So she’s bad on other comps and OP in one comp

Do I smell bad hero design :nose:

Aren’t people constantly complaining about double shield?

But then are complaining that someone counters shields?


facts are facts honey. and I provided them.

you don’t solve bad hero design with nerfs to them either.

Those were opinions and opinions are opinions honey

No you literally just brought this up.
But since we’re talking about this, Zarya uses her cooldowns to get charge and needs her and a teammate to be in harm’s way in order to get charge, while Sym gets charge by just shooting and can utilize her other cooldowns for other utilities.
So the more niche is Zarya.

Definitely shooting the big red rectangle for 2 seconds while you’re behind a shield.

The hero is flawed and needs to be toned down.

She doesn’t just counter double shield, she counters anything that doesn’t have a Doomfist.
Including melting squishies in 1 second

trace back the thread ._.

this is sym honey. not soldier with like 30m range, mobility, and in combat sustain to land hits from about anywhere. you know how brig’s struggling rn to approach enemies? that’s been sym since launch. sym definitely uses her cd’s to charge: tp to reach them, and/or turrets to distract. And likely not enough too and so she needs to rely on teammates using their cd’s too.

:clap:that :clap: didn’t :clap: happen :clap: until :clap: this :clap: meta.
not to mention that’s my point. using other heroes’ resources and cooperation. what’s more reliable and consistent? you using your own ability the way you want to or having someone else use their ability for you the way you want?
And again, my point about only being good with a bastion tier pocket.

Oh honey. Your misogyny is showing.

Sym’s reload is absolutely not .5 seconds which is what it used to be.