What's with all the HANZO hate

No, DEVS confirmed, this is the smallest projectile in the game
No one seems to know this

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GiantAxe is correct. What you really have an issue with, PositiveFac, is actually the hitboxes, of the heroes, themselves.

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Pretty sure Hanzo has to straightest and fastest flying projectile in the game, it’s not hit scan but it’s pretty close. Able to instantly delete any 200hp hero via skill or luck. A spam ability to use every 8 seconds that almost guarantee’s a kill even with body shots. High mobility and an Ult that goes through walls generally meaning he can use it with zero risk to himself.

There are a lot of reasons to hate hanzo, most of them though is he’s good at far to many things. If Hanzo is “balanced” then a lot of the current DPS are way under powered.

Nah he shoots tree trunks.

Mei shoots icebergs tho

PREACH. The third point really hit home. Hes only not in the pro meta currently because hes just a bit too general, and the pro meta is very specific in what it wants from its dps (basically on Df and Reaper are played, with a dash of Mei, Bastion, Symm and Hanzo along with occasional Widow, Sombra, Ashe). In any less strenuous meta, he is default S tier.

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There are two things that drive me crazy about Hanzo:

  1. Corner Spam, which is mostly a product of how the game handles latency. There is virtually no counter to this, it is a near impervious way for him to deliver long range head shots.

  2. Storm Arrow: A hero with the long range dominance he displays should not also be possessed of Reaper-like point-blank damage.

I do not mind that he has shield break capability, but I wish they could find a way to have him effective against shields without equipping him with a tool that also allows him to quickly kill flankers, or even dive if he does so carefully (and sneakily).

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I think his arrows are not large in size any more, but they fly so straight and fast as to act very similarly to hit-scan. Mercy’s pea shooter has huge projectiles, completely straight, but they do not matter nearly as much because they are so slow (and are not capable of one-shots).

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Nope, They travel at the exact same speed as Ana’s projectiles meaning that you are already wrong because Ana’s projectiles don’t have drop at all.

Mei’s icicle are also still faster than Hanzo’s projectiles, while also having a larger hitbox, while also having zero drop on the projectile.

Also, it is a 10 second CD ability btw, while I don’t want to defend Storm arrows, If Hanzo wants to kill any squishy target with bodyshots alone, he would need 60% accuracy or 3/5 arrows hitting.
This is near double Hanzo’s average accuracy of about 35%.

Hanzo does not have high mobility, it is just higher than heroes that basically have none. Please do not put him on the lvl’s of heroes that actually do have high mobility.

Hanzo does have a lack of weaknesses atm, which is mainly due to Storm arrows. It is the most unpunishing ability in the game as you got 5 shots to get value out of it and basically does everything from shield-breaking, tank-busting, dive countering, Long/short range etc etc.

When Hanzo had Scatter, if he missed with it, he would be fubbernucked and could be punished for it. You cannot punish the use of Storm arrows.


Having to press space is not a limitation


How is having both wall climb and lung not good mobility? Especially given lunge is on such a low CD?

As for the other argumetns, meh your entitled to your opinion. He’s by far the straightest and fastest projectile DPS with no reload and one shot kill potential.

He’s strong as or stronger than Widow with none of her draw backs.

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To be completely transparent my two most played dps right now are Hanzo and Sombra, and i also play a lot of Zen. So what i am saying is a mixture of my experiances between these 3.

On the subject of how he fires huge arrows. There is a 12px difference between his arrow and a hitacan. In fact, his default crosshair gives you the wiggle room his arrow has in the horizontal bars. What i think is frustrating regardless of what side of the arrow im on is the length of his arrow. The entire thing the arrowhead, the shaft, the fletching is all included in the hitbox and when you strafe to dodge and go back, there is a lot of favor the shooter bs going on.

In terms of counters, im a run of the mill Hanzo, average. And an Average Genji, Winston and to a point Doom wipe the floor with me. Genji has the mobility to follow hanzo and make it hard for him to hit. Unlike Hanzo his double jump only has the “need to touch the ground to use again” cd. Hanzo has to wait 5 secs. Winston only has to wait for either lumge or (preferably) storm to be used to dive. Hanzo cant shred through his shield with or without storm so all winston has to get good at is the shield dance. Theres also only 1 sec between lunge and jump l.

Also you dont need to kill the Hanzo to counter him. You can just contain him. I was playing a match the other night against a team with a Widow and we were both in the position of “when the other sniper is dead im tearing up the enemy team” but because we both were well versed in the mating dance of the Snipers when we were both alive we werent doing anything productive for out team as a whole other than trying to kill the other sniper. Worked pretty well imo.

That all being said there are changes i would reccomend for Hanzo? Yeah. Make it more obvious where he is firing from is a start. Widow has this red line and Hanzo has nothing. Id also give Sonic a ping noise (similar to Sombra’s translocator) so the enemy has a chance to know when hes using sights but keeping it less obvious than say Widows ult. As it stands right now only Sombra and people who see the arrow know when hes using sights. Also id give him a 15% slowdow on the use of storm. Right now theres nothing and his primary has a slowdown of 30%, this has always bugged me from a consistency standpoint. These wont change how Hanzo himself plays, these dont affect him at all, but it buffs his enemies slightly.


Hanzo’s projectiles curve in an arc, not a straight line
Along with Torbs and Junk,making it harder to aim

Mei, Lucio, Genji, Pharah, Orisa, Zen have linear projectiles

Also the fastest projectile in the game so yeah. Storm Arrow is the most op and lazy ability in the game. It’s like blizz didn’t care at all and just lazily gave hanzo a machine gun. Even Jeff regrets it.

It is a good mobility but you said high mobility.
He is still not a high mobility hero in the same way Widow isn’t a high mobility hero but she has a good mobility ability. High mobility would imply that he is like Genji, Tracer, Hammond, Doomfist, D’va, Winston etc. There mobility can get them across the map in an instant and can do so very often. Hanzo’s mobility allows him to travel 7.5m (about the same as McCree roll) with similar CD’s.

Once again wallclimb is positioning, it did literally nothing to help Hanzo’s survivability pre-rework which is shown by him having the lowest win-rate in the entire game for over 2 years.
Yes Lunge works well with wallclimb and does give Hanzo “good mobility” but it is still not high mobility when compared to a lot of heroes. He is still slowed when making anyshot and can’t keep up with heroes that have a dedicated mobility ability. Even Widow would beat him in a distance race btw.

This is just factually incorrect.
You can look at pro games or ladder statistics but even at the height of when Hanzo was OP, the sniper meta. Widow was getting picked more than Hanzo and had a higher win-rate!

For better players, Widow is just straight up better pick, Hanzo is easier to play but he does not have the skill ceiling Widow does and he is not capable of utter sightline domination that Widow is.

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He has no true counters, his mobility is too high, his area denial is ridiculously unfair, and he has too much reward for any player who gets good at one thing and one thing only (which is his primary fire).

Similar to Widow in almost every way and that is get good at your primary fire and BAM. You are automatically going to shred your way to GM. Every other part of their kit is extremely self-explanatory.

“You’re getting dove by Winston? Just hop on to the other high ground next to you and then call for supports for healing then continue clipping heads and denying major amounts of area.”

And people act like “but it’s a hard thing to get consistent with” while ignoring to countless other things in this game that take just as much skill to succeed with if not more and even those don’t give you nearly as much reward as Widow/Hanzo primary fire.

My beef with Hanzo is his boredom now. They replaced a really cool and dynamic ability with slightly different versions of other heroes’ abilities. I get that it was unbalanced but they could have at least given him a different kind of trick arrow.

Hanzo is hated because he’s obnoxious. It’s obnoxious that he can oneshot along with just spamming Storm Arrow into people.

The only other thing Widow really has comparatively is a very bad SMG that’s only particularly dangerous when combined with her 14 second cd mine.

He’s busted allowing for instant headshots, he is a CLOSE RANGE sniper, and it’s an unfun cancer to fight.

Nope. The dude can literally fire those tree-trunks down a hallway and score. He’s not harder to aim. You just aim differently.

Her ult is often criticized to not be helpful to the team. Only for herself. Hanzo’s Ult can be combined with a few others.

It’s pretty simple. He’s strong from range and up close. Highly mobile. Where Widow has a hook every now and then, Hanzo has wall climb and leap. And really if anyone gets into CQC he’ll just Storm Arrow them to death.

I don’t think he’s really that bad, but sometimes his random arrow kills are cheap. And many times when a Widow is bad, they go Hanzo for this reason.