What's up with the new ssd change?

So i just recently found out that now you have to wait forever if you have the game installed on a ssd to make it more “fair” for hdd people so that you can’t insta lock heroes. Well this doesn’t seem like great feature to me at all honestly why do i have to wait for 2 mins for everyone to load ? There are no restrictions anyway if your team wants to pick 5 dps they will pick 5 dps this changes nothing but whatever.

Apart from my personal annoyance…is there any improvement to have my game installed on my ssd now ? should i just install it on my hdd so i don’t have to wait ?

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The game should still run overall smoother if it’s on your SSD, and it should still boot up a lot faster.

But yeah, restricting people on picks because they have an SSD sounds… dumb

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I have a fairly decent system - (8700K OC’d, 1080 Ti, 860 EVO SSD, about 40 ms server ping time on average) and honestly, I can’t say I see any serious difference in the selection screen - when did this start up supposedly?

It was a bug added in the recent archives update. It only affects the competitive loading screen.

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Honestly, I see nothing unfair about everyone being forced to wait till everyone’s loaded, fast system or not. I didn’t bother placing last season or this one yet, that’s also why I didn’t notice it lol…

I have always had my install on an nvme drive and always loaded in first and was able to instalock my hero. Good for me, but doesnt make sense and isnt very fair. I’m okay with this change, it does mean i miss my hero sometimes if I’m not paying attention, but I’m flexible.

I would rather have the person with an ssd instalocking a dps than the potato pc lagger

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you act like SSD cost thousands of dollars…a decent size one is like 300 bucks

The only problem with this change is that the game timer starts up before anyone is actually in the game. It’s not a big deal on attack, but on defense booting up to a hero select screen with 18 seconds to decide a team? Kinda sucks