What's up with Mercy's winrate?

And I rage when my “AREA DENIED” gets DENIED by “Abragando los luces”.

Ah yes. “Just position yourself”. With the Ult that was SO BAD that Blizzard tried buffing it FOUR TIMES because using it was considered suicide.

How, exactly? Her Ult is Skybox Seats: The Game, her E is Statue Simulator: The Game, and the rest of her kit is pretty much the same except for Angel Hop. Which, admittedly, is welcome.

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More like, what’s down with her winrate? Am I right? :joy:


Her winrate most likely dropped because of the amount of players flexing to her.

Mercy is basically now a specialist hero, this means that its hard for people to just simply flex to her and win games. Before you could get value out of having no healing management, and simply pressing e. Now its harder.

I don’t rage when my tire gets destroyed but if Mercy nullifies a successful ult it is not fun.

your humor, i love it.

JellyandJam in the making. :kissing_heart:

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so technically her skill ceiling kind of increased, people who try to win with her end up losing because they dont know when to time things with her I’m guessing?

do correct me if im mistaken lol

Why do you think every hero’s winrate has to always be 50%? some heroes are played by less skilled players and that is why they dont win.

I don’t agree, but whatevs.

I play her. I like her. I have fun with her. When I don’t feel like playing her, I don’t. It’s beyond me why so many Mercy players insist on playing her while clearly hating every last moment of it.

I never said anything about how powerful or weak it was. Just how interactive, in follow up to “Mercy always was an uninteractive healbot”. It wasn’t an interactive ult.


Let’s agree to disagree.

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Then what made you become a mercy main? Because all I’ve seen from most mercy mains here including you is complaining about her kit is dull, agreeing that her old kit was dull and still constantly asking for changes.

If you guys never enjoyed playing her then don’t play her. There are countless player out there that actually do enjoy Mercy as she is and changing her to appeal to players that only play her because they enjoy how she looks does absolutely nothing but alienate her true playerbase

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it doesn’t but the fact that it is lower than others, her being unfun, her being the more nerfed hero due to “unknown” must-pick factor. they couldve done things so much better but they didnt.

Maybe they are countless because they don’t exist. :man_shrugging:t2:


Tell me, what was so very interacting with her ult?

I can feel the pain of Mercy mains. I may be very bad with Mercy, but I think the nerf just make her into an off healer nowadays. Lucio, Moira and Ana could easily outheal her by the miles.

The fact that you actively did something to help your team win the fight and it actually felt impactful.

Yes because this forum represents all mercy players right? Go on reddit or just in game and you’ll be able to see that there are lots of players that enjoy mercy

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I made this account specifically because people whined whenever a “Mercy main” dared to use anything other than Mercy.

Also, sometimes I pick Mercy because

  • No one else picked a healer.
  • Someone picked a healer, but they suck at it.
  • Some new balance issue changed and I want to test it out.

No, you said “just position yourself”. You didn’t say anything about interactivity. [EDIT: Yes you did, my bad.]

Your post was designed to make the argument that no thought or strategy went into using the Ult. In fact, the very first post I replied to said just that.

Heroes that are universally despised for their gameplay don’t become the most played ones in lower brackets. “Meta” argument doesn’t fly there.