What's the Workshop creation you are most proud of so far?

I’m sure you will :smiley: the workshop is surprisingly easy to use, especially since you can look at other creations to compare.

Did you manage to make mass res work well? I’ve seen a few versions but they were all pretty wonky :smiley:

Its a little weird in that it kills you and respawns you where you died to end valk.

I am sad.
I wanted to make changes to heros, like changing abiletys and ults…
But you just cant to that.
Ther isnt even an If variable…or i just missed it.
But still, it sucks, not being able to change heros

I made Dva Bumperkarts.

But to be honest, I would like to say that I’m proud of it…

but I’m not.
(It was a mess.)

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That sounds weird :smiley: There’s probably a workaround if you work on it more.

You actually can design new abilities for heroes. It’s not as easy to make as some of the other features are (at least not if you have very specific ideas in mind), but you can give them new versions of damage dealing or CC abilities, or add additional effects to their existing abilities.

I’m hopeful that they give us tools to go more in depth in that aspect, but there’s more there than most people realize.

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Well…i wanted to remove walk and add a aoe team buff.
Havent figured it out.
And i just got told the the “Hold key” is just like "Press it " if you add some stuff…
Why not have a “Press key” from the get go…

That sounds pretty hilarious. The video is not loading for me sadly, I’ll try again later, but I like the idea behind it :smiley:

Don’t be too hard on yourself :smiley: If your creation was a mess it was probably just too complicated to fully flesh out on day one, you can’t expect to be able to finish a complicated idea perfectly without even knowing the tool you are using to make it well. :slight_smile:

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The game mode was only made in a few minutes with the help with the preset workshop. I only tweaked it.

Here is a clickable link:

Seems a bit early for this type of thread?

Designing a scripting tool like this is always hard, it has to simultaneously be simple to use and yet powerful enough to actually pull of what you set off to do in the first place. It’s not surprising that some things aren’t arranged exactly like you would expect them to be. We just need more time to get used to it I reckon :smiley:

Why? It’s a new tool for us, when’s a better time to discuss new features than right after they’ve been added?

Yah i know…
was just a bit sad

Coding in Sym’s teleporters to effect enemies (they touch it and they get teleported, no input in their part) would be really cool and I hope someone tries it.

My best workshop creation:

There’s a script for teleporting in the Workshop, but I’m not sure how I’d go about actually linking it to the teleporter. Still, there’s probably a way.


It’s pretty easy to use even if you don’t have programming knowledge (thought that’d obviously help), you should give it a try.

I made a mode for assault where if you aren’t on point, you are invisible, and if someone hits you it receals you and lets you know you are visible! Tons of fun!

I played 2D Overwatch yesterday. Controls were awful, but it was hilarious. Rein was OP.

I am slowly working on building this Mercy rework I posted a while ago.

I’ve got the GA heal and E heal on living targets working… mostly. Then I realized that the way I had the conditions, it was giving those extra abilities to everyone instead of just Mercy.

Also you’d think it would be super easy to have the workshop ask the game if Mercy was in the middle of Valkyrie… yeah… it’s not.

That sounds fun, I’ve played around with invisibility a lot too, there’s a lot of potential for playable modes there IMO :smiley:

Right now I’m working on a survival horror game on the Black Forest map where players try to survive a set amount of time while being hunter by a Roadhog who only has his hook and (buffed up) melee available and can go invisible.

I played that one too! It was pretty funny, basically a whole new game :smiley: And yes, wonky as hell.

This looks pretty cool! I’d love to try it sometime when you’re close to being finished.

Changing the conditions to only apply to Mercy is pretty simple, you probably figured it out I assume? I can’t help with the Valkyrie issue sadly, I’m pretty sure you’ll have to mess around with variables if you want to make that one work…

That sounds pretty fun. Man, I really wish I could try it, but I gotta wait for it to come out on console once everyone has already found all the fun things. Sigh.

One thing I want to do is remake a custom game mode I made with a friend - Torb Boss Battle. The Torb’s self-buff has no downtime and he gets additional health/damage, but the only other part of his kit he can use is his hammer. Pharah and Mei are banned for the other side because they break the game, but everything else is acceptable.

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I have actually managed to figure that out and make some pretty solid progress besides. Of the 7 items in there, only 3 don’t exist yet. Chain Beams modifications, reduced beam length (which I’m not sure I can do), and the Rez cancel.

Side note, do you happen to know if it is possible to play an animation with the Workshop? I’d like the E heal to use the standard Rez animation and I haven’t found a way to do that yet.