What's the point of brig's stun now?

Bash is her mobility. And mobility is the first thing she lost.

What mobility? It literally moves her 1 meter on a 7 second cooldown, making it way better to stun someone and get them killed.

Well there’s your answer. It used to be a much shorter cooldown so a lot of the time you could just use it to get around.

That was her first nerf.

So how is she getting to the back line to protect from flankers? How’s she chasing them down?

It has nothing to do with her kit.

Yeah but it was still just way better to stun people left and right than actually use it for mobility. Sometimes it would be rational to use it for mobility, but that was very rarely.
She is used in deathball comps. That means that the entire team is together. Moving 1 meter would take less than a second to deal with the flankers. She is in the middle of the team. She also gives armor to her teammates which lasts forever if it is summoned by her ult.

What the pros command thus shall it be. So says the Bible of Jeff.

it still stop ult and stun you know…
just dont 1v1 or more

She counters flankers by negating their purpose, which is how Deathballs always worked.

Not by chasing them down and stunning them because she can’t. And not by sitting around next to Ana as people might have you believe, because she has to be slapping someone with her Mace every 5 seconds to proc Inspire.

Her damage isn’t important, that bash can stop ultimates, charging reins and so on, similar to Ana’s sleep dart.

She doesn’t have to chase them down. She can just, you know… wait until the flankers eventually come to her.

For all the Brig mains, count your blessings:

  1. You have the largest HP pool of all the healers, along with a 500hp shield, making your effective HP 750. What other healer has that? Some tanks don’t even have that.
  2. You have a stun, only 2 other chars have one in the entire roster (I count sleep dart as a stun)
  3. You have AOE healing
  4. Your flail does 75 (2 hits, .5/s hit, 35/hit) damage per second, in an AOE arc
  5. Your whipshot does 70 damage.

Want to know why shield bash was nerfed? Shield Bash (50dam) + 1 flail (35dam) + Whipshot (70dam) = 155dam inside of 2 seconds. As a healer.

You’re hilarious. Really? You really think that she just stands there next to Ana doing absolutely nothing until Tracer shows up?

I think the people who are happy with this need to ask themselves honestly if they would be happy to have a Brig on their team in this state? If not, then it’s clear this nerf is too much. I’m saying this as someone who doesn’t even like Brig, but I feel they should have either stopped her going through shields, or nerfed the damage on stun, not both together. If she goes to live with this, she will most certainly need a buff to her healing.

Probably to stun people like before.

To tickle the enemy.

Flail-Stun-Flail-Whip Shot = 145,
usually depending where you whip shot them to,
you can add another 35+ dmg so still 180.

Brig can still take out tracers, Everyone is assuming that all the tracers deaths were result of Brig only solo kills. When really it was teammates shooting her too.

I do Flail, Flail-Stun-Flail-Whip Shot-Flail.
To Secure my kills.

She can just play with her team, wait until she hears a Tracer/Genji and just stun them. Ana shouldn’t be all the way in the back anyway. If they can’t peel for each other they should switch heroes maybe.

Because McCree has the damage to finish off a stunned target on his own. He doesn’t just stand there and watch Tracer blink away before he can call out that she’s stunned.