What's the New Deal with MMR?

Medals don’t matter. Medals compare you to your teammates, while the SR performance gain is based on players of the same map/hero/SR as you, in different games.

This may (or may not) be true. Generally, wins are much more important than performance gains, though, so you really don’t want to stat chase if it hurts your win percentage.

I was agreeing with you.

Good to hear.

I think they did the role queue really well. If the leader wants something more flexible, he could ask for flex players (in the ui), and specify (in the text) what he is looking for. It would make some sense though to have more fine grained options (like sniper / builder / main tank / off tank etc.)

I really don’t like private profiles as default. People use them to troll / be toxic, but just because a feature is misused doesn’t mean that it should be removed. People will still make decisions about who the problem is and be toxic, but they will do it with worse information.

Even if someone sets their profile to public (or you require it for your LFG group), the mouse-over time played is gone, which was a huge quality of life increase when it came out.

Boosters and throwers are harder to identify.

It will be impossible to do a number of experiments that were used to be possible and valuable. :cry:

I’d say that one up vote button would be good enough. No need to break it into categories. Gamifying behavior is something that my instinct says shouldn’t work, but reports have been that people are nicer to each other, so my instincts seem to be wrong. Funny, sort of on topic comic: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - 2011-06-24


I definitely agree with that overall. You get nothing if your team loses, no matter how well you play. Still, if you have a win rate > 50% but are still losing SR, then you’ve got to focus more on improving your stats (play) than confirming the win.

Medals may not matter, but what else do we have to go by? Nothing in game or from Bliz. That’s for sure. OverSumo seems to be better than OverBuff or Master Overwatch because it’s supposed to compare your stats to all players.

For Rein, OverSumo has 4 key stats dealing with damage and kills, but only one for defense (damage blocked). If PBSR is also like this, it means you should be focusing on killing everything instead of defending your team. This is the opposite of what a tank should do imo, but defending your team gives you much less SR per win than is deducted per loss. By this reasoning, primarily confirming a win is not the way to climb unless you can obtain a win:loss of 2:1.

Being on fire.

Seriously, they said that “Fire” and the stats track the same things with different references. If you’re never on fire you’re being carried and your SR will drop even with a 50% win rate.

That’s not to say that you will gain more in a particular round if you are on fire, because SR is relative to overall stats and “Fire” is relative to your current teammates, but it naturally would be strongly correlated.

This confusion seems to happen a lot between us, which is weird since we’re the same Blizzard employee and all.


That’s only true if you’re a dps. You get the most fire points for elims. If you’re a healer, then you are getting your elims by assist, and aren’t on fire as much. If you’re Rein, then you should be shielding for your dps, and killing when shielding isn’t appropriate. So, you will get less fire points.

Again, seems like the PBSR system is favoring “dps” behavior instead of “helping the team” win behavior. I’m not saying your assessment of Fire = Stats (for PBSR) is wrong, but it’s not how it should be.

In general, players with a win rate > 50% should climb. Players with a 50% win rate should be static. I understand PBSR is supposed to help good players climb even if their win rate is < 50%. The problem is, you shouldn’t judge all heroes by the same stats.

I’m a healer main with tank secondary. I’m not very good at all, but I know you’re wrong here.

Find your good dps to get better assists, swing when you can, hit your firestrikes, get kills as Zen or Lucio anyone but Mercy, be on the point, discord the right enemy, and you will get on fire.

PBSR is supposed to help mis-rated players move to their rating faster. That’s not the same as the quote. It was removed above Plat (iirc) to stop stat chasing at the point where teamwork became more important.

Apparently, there’s a large group of salty high plat players that can’t climb. Great stats, horrible teamwork.

I am a bit surprised that it’s still in existence (if it is, they didn’t announce the group synergy penalty removal) but they have the data that would be needed to determine if it was good or bad…we don’t, so any opinion on the matter is misinformed.

Maybe there’s a miscommunication here. It is possible to get on fire with any hero, but dps have a much easier time if they don’t die. This is simply because elims, especially solo elims, give you the most fire points.

As Rein or a healer (except for Zen), you will get less fire points for your contribution. Also, you are more likely to die as certain heroes because you are a bigger target or don’t have escape options. This takes away your fire points.

Also, being on fire is usually the sign of good play, but not always. I could be playing like garbage on D.Va, get a lucky triple kill ult and be on fire. Due to timing, that ult might not even be one that helps the team win. For example, I’m the last of my team on the point against 5 enemies. I kill 3, get on fire but the remaining 2 kill me.

I’ve done basically nothing that will help my team win. Yet, I’m still on fire and making the PBSR system think I’m good.

Again, I’m not saying you’re wrong with your conclusion, but this is not how the system should work.

There is no systematic bias against tanks. There may be a systematic bias against particular tank play styles, but not tanks in general.

Fire is not a great indicator as it is officially not how performance SR is calculated. Overwatch Forums

Blizzard does not publish exactly what statistics are needed to maximize SR gain. This is one of the problems with performance SR. If people knew what stats were necessary, they would chase those stats more than the win. Since they don’t know what stats are necessary, the can get frustrated when the system doesn’t recognize their good play.

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Agree 100%. Before D.Va was nerfed, I was more of a dps than a tank, and I got more SR per win. I would assume playing a dps Rein would give more SR per win due to higher elims. Unfortunately, this Rein style may not actually help your team win.

I understand Blizzard doesn’t want people stat chasing to farm PBSR. They want people to play as a team, and they want higher skilled players not to be held back by poor teammates.

I don’t think the system recognizes all forms of good play, and all heroes have similar parameters for what the PBSR system classifies as “good play”. I think elims (offensive assists for healers) and deaths are some of those parameters. I don’t think damage blocked or objective time are weighted nearly as much if they are part of the PBSR calculation at all.

This is a big source of frustration, and why I think so many people insta-lock dps.