Whats the hp nerf really gonna do?

What would even be Widow’s purpose if she couldn’t one-shot?

Nope, why do all that when they can simply rework her kit and remove charge shot with something waaay better, tbh that one play test they did when they had widow do poison shots like ana that was solid, not only did widow not one shot it felt pretty cool, i feel with that they can definitely balance her alot better

High damage from afar and enemy surveillance system.

Bruh they can give her poison shots like ana, remove her charge shot and balance her out from there using the poison shot, during the play test it felt awesome having widow do poison shots, it took about 2 shots to get a kill, that was cool to me, took a bit more skill too imo

‘‘Nerf widow’s ability to be safe oneshotter that is impossible to interact with outside mirror matches’’ usually goes along with ‘‘let her do other things that her one shot is gating her away from’’.

I don’t think most people suggesting HP nerfs or other survivability reductions are seriously expecting it to make one-shot issues/complaints go away. Or other slap-on-the-wrist type changes for that matter.

Deeper reworks take time and usually come with teething pains at the very least.

The virtue of the smaller changes is to take a step to reduce the problem quickly, and they should also be much quicker to undo or further change if there are unexpected negative consequences.

It’s very hard to make the argument that making snipers easier to kill or easier to see would do absolutely nothing to help reduce frequency or degree of frustrations/complaints.


They tried sloooooowly increasing her escape’s cooldown and it did nothing at all.

The only thing that made it so Double Shields wasnt mandatory was nerfing her HP (and Ashe in general) so she wasnt as safe.

Sad affairs, people crying about oneshots in 2023, in an FPS.

Widow is only a hero because of them, like taking away rockets from Pharah. Not gonna happen.

People complaining that snipers aren’t fun to play against fail to understand that Widow counters other heroes by simply existing

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i really hate widow but that 150hp suggestion for widow is silly.
nerfing her HP is not the solution. 175HP is definitely fine.

There’s arguments you can make but this has to be one of the worst.
bringing realism into it doesn’t make sense when you’d die to most things in the game in real life.

If she can’t one-shot then her contribution is dps and it’s low.

I think the trick with grapple is finding ways to increase the cooldown during combat when she’s under pressure, rather than globally. It’s likely to require at least a little coding so these tweaks probably would take a little more time to implement than a numbers change, but still should be faster than a deep rework.

Assuming the goal is quite simply to reduce her escapability vs flankers:
-Taking damage puts grapple on cooldown, shorter than the default; 3-6s is probably sufficient here.
-Taking damage mid grapple stops all directional momentum and cancels the grapple.

The issue is that grapple is very much a one thing and off. Increasing its cooldown does nothing if she gets a single one off and gets off the dive attempt.

If you want to nerf grapple in any way that actually matters to hit her survivability, give it a longer cast time or travel time.

150 HP is a fairly significant breakpoint for Widow actually, as it would allow every 120-130 damage projectile to oneshot her with a damage boost, and Mei’s alt fire would become a oneshot as well. It also allows Genji to oneshot her with a single fan headshot, which is significant.

It evens the playing field because most projectiles don’t have falloff and travel in a straight line, meaning that Widow’s risk is significantly increased because a single stray projectile will kill her. It’s not perfect but it’s the easiest way to put some of the risk back onto Widow.

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The one shot ain’t even the real problem and neither is her health. Widow’s issue is her ability to deal 300 crit damage every 0.9 seconds. She needs just 2 nerfs that would drastically change how she plays. One is her rifle charge time, if hanzo takes a full 1 second to fully charge his shot to deal 250 in crit. Why does a HITSCAN charge at 0.9 and deal 300 in crit damage? It makes no sense. I would increase charge time to 1.3 seconds. This also means she cant just hop from target to target and delete a whole team in less than a second.

The second nerf I would give widow is her ADS time. Right now a widow is able to bunny hope left and right and easily one shot players due to her fast ads. Reducing her ads will force widow to actually lane like a real sniper would. This forces widow to not only be forced to lane and fully commit to sniping but it would be a lot harder for her to always see a flanker coming her way.

Mix the 2 nerfs together and what do we get? A balanced long range sniper. Less ads means less BS 180 one shot reaction on flankers. Longer charge time means no more bunny hopping so shes forced to be fully grounded. This allows anyone that closes the gap on her to have an easy time killing her. This is literally all she needs to be balanced. Im sorry a lot of you hate the one shot but if we remove that then she completely loses her identity as a sniper. If widow cant one shot, why would anyone play her over ashe? Blizzard claimed adding more cover to the game, that can definitely help but its not gonna solve the real problem with widow.

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You say that like it would be difficult to make things die more if they lower how effective burst damage is.

Lower Tank HP a bit, and lower Bap/Ana/Moira heals a bit.


Yup, a lot more options become very lethal. Two Ana shots for instance, Ashe at certain ranges could oneshot.

It basically heavily limits the positioning options for the Widow player.

Which is fair, because she’s doing that the everybody else.

Cut the grapple cooldown in half, but every time she scopes in, the grapple goes on cooldown.

Fixed it for you. You are welcome.

There are much more unfun things to play against besides widow. For instance all the support’s roster, and Ball. I take 10 widow opponents for 1 ball and I take 10 oneshots from easy to counter widow rather than kiriko that you can’t do **** about.