Whats the hp nerf really gonna do?

One simple thing will help. Give widow a laser that all can see when she is scoped.

One shots are fine. It’s the surprise that makes the unaware mad.


Yeah if you can get close enough before she one shots you, also some maps she benefits alot! So again would an hp nerf really be effective if she still has one shot capabilities no it wouldnt work, 100% a rework will most definitely fix her one shot

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Her one shot isn’t a problem. She’s a sniper. She’s supposed to one shot.

Stop crying about it. It’s bad enough Blizzard’s already starting to buckles under the whining of idiots.

And I’m a Support main - the first target of any compitent Widow?

Yeah, asking to have her one shot nerfed is dumb. When was the last time you heard of someone surviving a sniper bullet to the brain? Go on - I’ll wait.


Ive been a widow main since 2016, tho i have no problem with one shots personally, im tired of always hearing garb players complain, ow2 has more cover then ow1, on top of that positioning is super important, but people dont care about that, all they want are nerfs nerfs nerfs, at this point just rework widow and be done with it tbh

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The only way that would work is if it appeared after her first shot and lingered for several seconds after. Not only that, but games with laser pointers are incredibly inconsistent, I’m sure you’ve been killed by such weapons that weren’t even looking in your general direction.

Incidentally, I think I figured a way to do that, that fits well.

The main issue people have with her is her 1 shot. Also Ana and Ash are snipers but they dont 1 shot, other games have snipers and they dont 1 shot. Sniper doesnt equal 1 shot just high damage from long range.

So then every headshot from every gun should 1 shot then? This is a video game not IRL it doesnt need to be realistic.

Widow has high damage, high mobility, extreme range, but the only downside is she is slightly less health. If they want her to keep the 1 shot then something else move give.


Amen her shots need a nerf ASAP, just add it poison damage so she will not be a one shot machine anymore.


One shots shouldnt be THAT frequent in a Hero shooter, it makes feel the game more like CS/COD than a Hero shooter, they dont belong


A sniper that can’t OHK non-tanks would be useless, Ana being the only exception. They’d HAVE to buff her ROF, AR accuracy, body shot damage to at least 145 and she needs to be able to crit someone for at least 200 if only to stand a chance against Hanzo in his comfort zone. If they reduce her crit and Hanzo’s hp to 175, they’d also have to buff Hanzo.

Leave her as is so they won’t have to adjust up to 4 other characters who fall into the sniper/ sharpshooter category.

There is Zero counter-play to 1 shot abilities, yes you can lower the chances of getting hit by dodging or playing around corners but once hit nothing can be done. They already have been removing 1 shots from the game, hog hook, sigma rock stun combo, mecree nade, sobjorn. The only non ultimate one shots in the game are widow and hanzo, excluding tracer because she has such low heath a few things can 1 shot her.

Widow and hanzo need either a change or rework because atm a long range primary fire that has 0 counter-play and just boils down to, “is the window good or not” is not good for the game. They were ok back in OW1 because there were 2 tanks, but the game changed and so must they now.


Honestly I feel like Widow is fine, and I’m saying that as a support player. Hanzo is the real problem.



Save that the game overwatch took inspiration from has one shots everywhere in its game. Making your claim that hero shooters don’t have frequent one shots objectively false.

In fact, Team Fortress two had even more due to random crits.

I find Hanzo more of a problem than Widow because he spams and accidently gets a headshot kill from ricochet. He’s basically a sniper Junkrat.


Ah yes, the 30 seconds cooldown that makes Mercy an easy target for sniping, against the 2 second charge oneshot from basically any range.

Much counter.

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Snipers are the foundation of the gameplay they set the pace in terms of how quick kills have to for other DPS. One shot one kill in zero time, no wonder Symetras 2-3s kill rate isnt competitive,

Competitive metrics
Quickest Kill Possible. QKP
Supporting Fire Range
Lethal Range

Widow scores high in all while sym does not.

Ana doesn’t headshot because she’s a Support and already does 75 damage a shot. And I don’t think anyone wants Ana to be able to 2 shot the entire Support and DPS roster bar Mei, Reaper and Bastion with headshot damage. She’s already the best Support in the game without the ability to two-tap.

And Ashe isn’t technically a sniper anyway. She can scope in, but that doesn’t make her gun a sniper rifle. Any gun can have a sight attached/built onto the weapon. Ashe uses a lever-action rifle. Still does nasty headshot damage, but not enough to kill outright. She also has Dynamite, which makes her the only hitscan hero to not be too bothered by Armour, as Fire damage deals extra damage to it. So, unlike Widow, she’s got AOE burst damage that also counters one of Widow’s biggest counters in Armour. So she doesn’t need to one shot with her rifle.

You wanna nerf Widow’s one shot? Increase the charge time and increase the ammo consumption of scoped shots, and reduce her magazine size to give more time between charged shots by needing to be scoped in longer and having to reload more often.

But the one shot stays.

I mean mercy does have her ult, in which ive seen be used to dive widow, on top she still has solid mobility too, now granted one shots are an issue for sure, but we cant ignore that mercy does has SOME counter play to her kit against widow

What would even be Widow’s purpose if she couldn’t one-shot?

Nope, why do all that when they can simply rework her kit and remove charge shot with something waaay better, tbh that one play test they did when they had widow do poison shots like ana that was solid, not only did widow not one shot it felt pretty cool, i feel with that they can definitely balance her alot better