What's the average damage amplified I should be doing?

My average per 10 minutes is 948. But I feel like I should be doing more. I’m trying to get better with prioritizing buffs.

I am not a mercy player, so I can’t judge these numbers, but what I know is:

DMG boosting is WAY more important than healing. The more you DMG boost, the quick you AND your DMG boost target will get your ults, so do it as often as possible.

Keep ally cooldowns in mind and try to DMG boost them. Rein throwing firestrike, Ashe Dynamiting and etc.

Best way to improve is get a VOD of yours reviewed by a higher ranked Mercy or a Coach


damage amplified is a weird metric that kinda scales with the rank of the player being boosted. its hard to say a number but im a bad mercy for my rank and have just under 3k per 10. that said though, overbuff says that is top 1% but i know for a fact that I heal too much so idk what to believe.

in all honestly though, unless youre a mercy god, youre playing the wrong hero if you want to climb.
mercy helps her team make plays but she doesnt make the plays. if your team is bad then your impact on mercy is gonna be subpar where any other off support can make plays on their own accord.


I main on mercy with peak sr around 3800 and probably have 1500 comp hours on mercy over a few accounts.

I think an average over many hours of 2k per 10 or above is really good in my opinion but typically results in my healing per 10 to be a bit below 10k, like maybe 9.5 or 9.

1.5k per 10 seems a good average in my opinion and 1k or less I think prioritizing healing a bit too much.

For me the ability to get 2k per 10 is in plat, Diamond or masters pretty consistently but really focus on damage and not healing. I can get 2k per 10 in plat even with my dps doing less damage but I only have about 3.5 deaths per 10. In masters I get 2k per 10 with like 5 deaths per 10… basically my dps are doing more damage but enemy dps can kill me more .