Whats going on with sr?

How in the world do I lose 1 game and drop over 120 sr for 1 lose??? someone please explain this???

That means your MMR is out of place. Play more matches and it’ll become less.

So some friends just had these kinds of massive shifts happen. It seems it is NOT part of a post-placement dial-in phase.

Maybe the ladder is literally imploding from the mass exodus.

We NEED a developer comment/update for the sake of esports integrity. Stop going ahead with tournaments until things are fixed.

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Wonder if all the higher players on alts so they can get a game have seriously skewed the ranking system.

If you do not have much recent history in a role, you will have large gains and losses because the system is uncertain about your skill. As you play more, they will calm down to the more usual + / - 24 SR per match. See How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 18) → Matchmaking and Skill Rating for more details. Also, ignore the posts above mine.

Why would Sr point awarding Spike to over 100sr if people are leaving? I don’t see the connection between population and rank…

The way mmr works, it tries to match with other players with you. When you first start, you have no data to base your mmr with.

The more players you play against, the more likely the mmr will try to match you with teammates with similar mmr.

There’s no shortcuts basically. Climbing to the next tier can take months of grinding.

SR is also based on your stats. The more you do in a game, the more you gain and the less you lose.

Obviously leaving a game will make you drop more. Staying in a game where your team leaves, you can prevent less sr from being lost by being productive, while stay alive at the same time.


This isn’t about ‘hidden’ placements. What you are describing is that dial-in phase I spoke of post-placements, which is basically the same thing as hidden convergence.

The issue is people with dozens of hours on a role get massive shifts like +/- 120sr randomly after 1 match. Like mid-season. On a role they already placed with and mained.

This could have something to do with it. You have this pbsr/mmr saying ‘this is what expected numbers are for your rank’ getting totally borked by the flood of smurfs, putting up far greater (or less) numbers ‘for their rank’ and adding all kinds of volatility to the expectation.

Which is probably up in the air right now as everyone throws on their burner, ‘lootbox roles’, and dominates on their tryboi roles.

This. We worked it out many times in many ways. 40-60hrs for a bronze dps to get to silver if tryharding to 60% win ratio. Thats just miserable.

The OP hasn’t said that that was the case with him. And vague references to “people” is not something I’m going to pay attention to.