What's Blizzard Strategy to Combat False Reports / Abuse Report System

Hi. I was wondering what Blizzard is doing to combat other players falsely accusing and submitting reports against other players. I have recorded game after game where I am initially picked on before the game starts (for being a Hanzo main), then later trash talked and bullied by the team, convincing each other that I am either a “1-trick hanzo” or in fact “throwing”, and as a result, report me wrongfully. What makes the situation worse, is that I am silenced, so I can not defend myself, which often makes matters worse, because my teammates think I am ignoring them on top it. I report them, but ultimately I am the one who receives loads of wrongfully submitted reports. I often find the case to be worse when I solo-Q, and end up being teamed up with a pre-made 3-stack that ‘hates all hanzo mains’. I am out numbered and I fear blizzard has nothing to combat this issue.

  1. Screenshot.
  2. Send proof to Blizzard.
  3. Hope for the best.
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The latest update on that is here: Player Behavior in Overwatch

I’m myself got reports from reporting throwing or toxic person :'D

On my alt where i main widow… You know how it is. People throw round 1 hero select and blame me as widowmaker be the problem and report me from game sabotage

I agree with this. I have a group of friends who report Tons of people on purpose because they know there is no system in place for detecting false reports.

They are a premade group who do toxic things in chat and if anyone even tries to defend anyone, they get 4-5 reports easy.

The system does not care about false reporting and there is no limits on how often you can report. Nor does the devs care why you got auto suspended. They assume its always legit.


Yes. This is exactly the problem here (nothing personal against your friends), but I know for a fact this occurs as people are often to openly admit it, and convince others on the team to follow their lead and also report.

The automated system blizzard has in place right now punishes the innocent here, while the ones abusing the system have nothing to fear.

And if I go one more step in this personal analysis, I believe Blizzard has a major flaw they refuse to admit or acknowledge when their support team ‘investigates’ the account to see if the reports warrant a silence or ban, and that is they will ‘cherry pick’ one or two history matches or msg’s as ‘proof/validation’ for the numerous wrongfully submitted reports.


sadly, theres nothing they can do about it…literally every single game has min 1 report. and theres hundreds of thousands games played, human can’t go thro all those reports in time. don’t one trick maybe, don’t play off meta maybe…that might reduce your repots, i don’t know, but right now, nobody can protect you, sounds harsh yes, but thats the reality

  1. How do you screen shot things that are said over the voice chat? I have begun to actually record my games
  2. I have in fact sent enough tickets supporting my claim that Blizzard has warned me if I continue to do so about the subject, I will have my account suspended/banned (instead of it being only silenced right now).
  3. I honestly have lost hope, but came to the forums here to see if anyone else experiences the same issue or feels the same way.

my friends report each otheres or ask some of friends be reported since its know that does no harm

telling to proof with your own evidence is too hard for me. I play on laptop and cant always record since it effects my game

Yes. I’ve come to this realization too, that when all is said and done, they just simply lack the man power and time. But the reason it’s so important (and frustrating to me), is that I have had to purchase the game 3 times (on my 3rd account now), each time lift or start fresh from what I believed was a wrongful silence punishment. And my first account, which what I fear so much of getting suspended/banned, I literally have put in ~1,376 hours into it, and +$100 worth of loot boxes etc. So it is important to me as I clearly have put in a lot of time and effort into it, and obviously do not want to see it get permabanned. That’s why I take so much effort to voice my opinion on this matter.

I mean… jeff “if you are bad person we don’t want you on overwatch” but false reporting is being pretending to be better person while is most worse person in game but i’m not seen any try from blizzard to help with this issue. :frowning:

reason i stopped playing widowmaker on comp on my main account was exactly the false reports and i couldn’t enjoy comp at all for 3 seasons since there was not character for me to play that i enjoy before moira.

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i’m assuming they are working on it, it takes time and work for something to get done…just because theres no news yet, i’m sure they are not sitting and doing nothing.
theres things they can try to do, to reduce it…different comp queue where you don’t see your rank until season end, i think people focus too much on that number going down and that makes them angry. That should maybe be named off meta comp , or maybe “role select comp”, i mean they can try it.
they can also put things like tips, “you are not allowed to report people for their hero choice, even if they perform badly with them”

As far as i know, They only have cheat detection. So they can unban you if you got falsely flagged for cheating. However other stuff is hard to prove and they just go by number of reports. Because this many people cant be wrong, can they? :slight_smile:

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Not in game, but in the forum I wrote a run on sentence and got reported for spam. Asked blizzard to review it and they didnt care. I imagine doing this in the game would be even harder to have it reviewed.

same thing happened to me, but my ban was lifted after only 20 min…the person apologized for what happened and unbanned me.

This many? I have many friends that gets reported simply because their hero select and i’m myself experienced being falsely mass reported because of hero select, meanwhile they are the real throwers. I am been in games where 4 people are been against one, cause they choose widowmaker/sym/whatever and been only one to not report them and report the false reporters cause i know that the real problems are they, not the person that mains character (and as widow player, i can tell i am much better widow than i’m soldier or mccree since on widow i have 150 hours while soldier and mccree together doesnt even make 10 hours. This reason i never ask people pick character they are nor comfortable cause you may get even 2-3 ranks worse play from them compared what they could do as their main)

My healer friend got mass reported cause they started play dps (mei/sombra, ones she used on her alt in same rank) and that way her account got banned. Simply because people didn’t like her change from many hours as healer to dps.

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Sorry the smiley was meant as sarcasm sign.

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I still would like something official from Blizzard… like, at least an acknowledgement that this is happening.

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There is no strategy.
Blizzard typically goes by sheer number of reports, which results in people who one-trick and/or play poorly being falsely reported.

The best thing you can do if you’re going to play in a manner that typically people false report for is to play as best as you possibly can and avoid communicating in all chat channels. Any use of chat, including voice, will be grounds to uphold a ban or suspension as a result of false reports, regardless of whether you were abusive or not.

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This is absolutely correct. The system encourages people to play without any chat at all. It is the best way to protect yourself from salty reports.

Then entire abuse reporting system is morally ambiguous anyways, and practically impossible to enforce uniformly. What is abusive to some, is light-hearted trash talk to another. And to the troll, an opportunity to hit someone with an out of context report.

In my opinion, they should stop trying to police trash talk and go zero tolerance on racism, sexism, threats of actual violence, etc. Trash talk is nothing new to competitive gaming. Trying to protect every ones feelings feels too nanny for me.

Cast a smaller net, but up the quality of your control. I’ve had a couple silences, maybe one or two things I should have said differently or not at all, but it’s blindingly obvious they do not consider the context on anything that gets reported, probably because GM’s don’t look at anything that isn’t disputed, for the most part, and by then, you’ve already been harmed.