What would happen to overwatch lootboxes in the UK?


Are they going to raise the rating with the game in the UK to 18 or ban UK players from buying boxes?

They’re only cosmetics and the items from the lootboxes can’t be sold, so likely nothing like in belgium


Didn’t belgium remove the chance for their players to buy boxes?

They did for most games, but in belgium you can still buy lootboxes for overwatch

Well, when they finally do fully separate from the rest of the EU I imagine they’ll have to worry about the rest of the fire in the dumpster instead of just the tiny cinders in the corner.

I imagine they’d disable to ability to buy lootboxes for us.


that’s a bit odd, i heard from other sources that you could

even then, you can still earn lootboxes

They probably could if they tried to work around it. Possibly using a VPN.

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How are ow lootboxes even gambling when you have a 99.99% confirmation that you will receive a legendary after 11 (or whatever number it is) lootboxes.
Add to that that there is a a 100% guarantee you’ll earn at least x amounts of credits after x amounts of boxes.
Also no duplicates…

Lootboxes in overwatch are far from completely random

It’s not about the chances of getting legendaries. It’s about having a ‘chance’ to get what you wanted. you could have 100 lootboxes and not get a single thing for the hero you wanted.

Or 100 lootboxes and not get the specific skin you wanted.


What are you talking about, after 100 lootboxes I have guaranteed credits to buy exactly what i want, I thinks it’s about 6-7 legendaries of my choice.

Only in like the first 4-5 months of me playing this game was I unable to have exactly what i want, after that I could buy anything, and the more I lvld the more I had.

Currently I have every single item unlocked and 30k extra credits (my main account is gold border) - without purchasing a single lootbox.

You’re not taking credits into account - they are not fully random.
It only seems like you have no control or little chance.

We’re talking specifically about buying lootboxes. No-one in the House of Commons is going to add an amendment that exempts games which allow you to grind out the rewards for free. You are not guaranteed to get what you want when you purchase lootboxes, and that’s as far as they’ll care.

they will figure out something else to do to milk customers…gambling mechanics is just one of many things humans get addicted to and gaming companies are ready to exploit.
Fear of missing out will be one of it.

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A more truthful set of words have never been said.

Imagine defending lootboxes in 2020.


Imagine defending lootboxes in any year…


You do get duplicates after a certain number of total cosmetics. Currently I get atleast 1 duplicate in every lootbox and I might have only like 50-60% of cosmetics

You get duplicates for blue items cuz you’ve unlocked all blue items. You don’t get duplicates for rare and legendary cuz their drop rate never changes even, even if you have al the blue/white items unlocked. Soon you may have all common items as well (white) there are so many of them that players usually unlock blue first - cuz one is guaranteed per lootbox as minimum blue in rarity.

But even so you start to get duplicates you get credits as compensation meaning you farm credits faster, meaning you unlocks the rest faster.

Each item rarity has a specific drop rate (a drop rate that increases as you open each lootbox and than goes back to low percentage when you get it - this only applies to purple and legendary) - but you’ll never get a duplicate in a category that you haven’t fully unlocked.

I mean, Overwatch is the absolute least harmful way to do lootboxes, so it’s understandable why some people would wonder why others get so uppity about them

The only thing Overwatch lacks is a way to buy the cosmetics or the currency on their own. If that was an option, then the lootboxes would be completely harmless in this game.