no thank you full 222 queue and another anything mode is the solution…
no votes or any other nonsense… you cannot trust this playerbase with anything. you need strict rules so they dont find any hole to abuse the system and ruin games.
I’d argue you need failsafes that 2-2-2 doesn’t provide.
If you get a damage focused healer, two off healers, or two offtanks, you are mostly screwed.
The 2Any-2-2 provides the capability to flex on that.
The 6-Any provides an overflow for the extra DPS. So DPS queue times aren’t a problem.
And the ability to unlock roles allows a safety valve, if the 6-Any is crushing the 2Any-2-2 with a DPS heavy comp. Or if you got 2DPS that can’t/won’t get kills.
there was a time when zen and lucio were meta and dominated everything, 2 offhealers are not the problem and in the long run people who play this mode will have to adjust and learn the role fully… like playing main tank and offtank at least on a certain level or they will derank where they can overshadow the lack of main tanking.
also the 6anything has a different queue i dont know what you are talking about…
It’s not that the roles are easier or harder to balance, it’s that enforcing a 2-2-2 cap limits the possibility of runaway synergies (like what caused GOATS). That makes it less likely that a new hero or balance change can suddenly bring a previously dormant set of synergies to the forefront in such a way that it becomes impossible to deal with without completely gutting every character involved to the point that they’re nearly useless outside of said synergy. And even if such a runaway synergy does happen, it’s much easier to deal with.