What was the point of the Mercy feedback thread?

But prework Mercy wasn’t a must pick, at all, and getting rid of mass rez shouldn’t have broken the parts of her kit which people enjoyed.

It is comments like your is the reason people are angry. You think the revert people are wanting an OP hero. Old mercy had a lower win rate, and they were asking for a revert DURING the moth meta. That is not what a group of people who want an OP hero do.

They don’t ask for their OP hero to get reverted to an earlier state.
They dont’ ask for their current hero to get reverted to a state where she had a lower win rate.

Current Mercy is quite a bit stronger than old mercy, but less fun to play outside of mass rez. They broke a lot of stuff on the way.


Whatever, at this point I’ll take any Mercy changes, buffs, nerfs, reworks, whatever, I’ll still play her because she’s the only one I can relate to, also I’m waiting for that OWL Mercy skin, when will it be available to purchase?

It was to create Baptiste.

Tell me more about this.

Sorry to dig up a post from hours ago, but I just wanted to point out how Bliz (as much as I love them) are terribly inconsistent in their answers. All the time. Which I think is a problem.

I’ll preface by saying I think Mercy is still fun and is balanced (even though I’d rather not have rez). But the devs don’t exactly have a good track record with Mercy, so I think it’s understandable people were in a frenzy over her. The rework made almost no one in the community happy when it dropped. She was grossly op, and people were still hung up on mass rez. The team needed to nerf her, but rather than rip the bandaid off they did a series of small nerfs, every time saying mercy was fine. Which she clearly wasn’t.

They should have just said “we’re not sure yet” if they didn’t want to drop the nerf hammer all at once. A series of repeated nerfs, however justified, does suck pretty bad.

And even now they’re not consistent in their answer. There was just an interview with one of the devs, where they were asked if they had any plans on changing mercy. And they said something to the effect of “we’ll wait to see how the balance is once Goats is out of the meta”. While I personally appreciate the honesty, it’s not surprising that people take the noncommittal answer as a possible “yes”. And they flip flopped like this throughout her rework. If they’re happy with how she is, stick to it. If they’re unsure, then address why. It should be the same for every hero. Communication, real communication, at any point would have probably quashed a lot of the arguing. But they never really sat down and actually discussed their thinking.

And I think they should do that with any big hero change. But Mercy’s is just a prime example of the wishy-washy communication being problematic.


I mean being fair here not only are people asking for reverts to when she was arguably weaker, they are also wanting changes to make mass rez easier to counter.


But the feedback thread was made at the time the rework hit PTR - D.Va got one, too.

The behaviour of Mercy players had nothing to do with the creation of the thread…

(Also a lot of that harassment/raid stuff was lead by one person, who as far as I know has little, if nothing, to do with Mercy anymore… we’re not all a hive mind.)


I’m going to be honest, I don’t really care if comments like mine make them angry anymore. There were, and still are, enough people crying for an old iteration that was infuriating to play as and against for just as many, if not more people, that the reasonable Mercy players that are dissatisfied get drowned out. It sucks that when a reasonable Mercy balance is requested, it is almost always nearly immediately hijacked by lovers of Mass Rez, thank god they recently took a break from the forums.

That stigma doesn’t go away, and it will never go away, because of how the Mercy fan base still reacts to that nonsense 2 years later.

Excuse me if I have 0 sympathies. If they want old Mercy back, and continue to beg and plead as if it will actually make Jeff change her back, then they should probably just play another game.


You’re clearly thinking of the wrong person, then.

Still not the correct person in the context of my post. Sorry.

I’m not as involved in what’s going on these days, so I’m only discussing what happened (that people have every reason to be upset about) when there was a certain youtuber in charge.

I know - for the last time, I’m talking about her and not the new leader. I’m not stupid, goodbye.

Officially the point of the original mega thread - and all the others - was to put all the Mercy feedback in one place to make it easier for devs to find it. But then they did s*** all with it so I’d say it’s less to avoid spam and more to just act as the garbage bin players called and still call it.

Hundreds of thousands of posts just ignored :frowning:

It was a dumpster thread to clear out the forums and a thinly veiled attempt at appearing to care about what anyone who played the hero thought about the changes.

I don’t think there’s been any evidence of blizz ever caring about non-pro opinions on anything… Not even specific to Mercy, there’s been a bunch of issues that have been brought up in the forums regarding new changes. I think the most recent issues has been Reaper (which got resolved relatively quickly) and also Junkrat projectile size/speed.

Lol 19k was that latest form of the thread. They’ve been created/locked since the previous forum.

And yes, there’s definitely plenty of bitterness about how blizzard decided to treat those providing feedback. They were too gutless to even delve in and address them.

_Mercy is the 3rd most played hero in the current competitive season and in the game for the past month. Her win rate hovers very close to 50%.

We don’t feel like Mercy needs changes right now._
Jeff Kaplan

_We appreciate your feedback, as it will assist us and provide insight on improving your Overwatch experience.

Thank you._
Tom Powers

What a joke.

(Seems like the italics thing ain’t working for me >_>)

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Because they consider Mercy feedback as trash, so we had that delicious trash can for any Mercy discussion, no matter how valuable your insights were.

And then it was defeated by Blizz’ flag system, which apparently counted the flags from moved threads like flags from megathread, which resulted in it being constantly blocked xd

And remember: you can have your opinion, unless you are Mercy main - then you are obviously entitled and biased.


Official version - to get insight into what’s good and what could be improved with the new Mercy.

What everyone knew - containment to make sure the board didn’t get cluttered while maintaining the appearance of a completely successful rework.

The irony is that many of the things suggested in there actually ended up on other heroes (versions of both Rally and Immortality Field was suggested).


Not every mercy main was a part of that, realistically the ones that raided were a small potion of those that play the hero.

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“But I saw these 5 people do/think this thing I don’t like, so that must mean they all think and do the same! I know how a hive works damn it!”.

I never take anyone seriously that starts wailing about cultists or conspiracy on the forums. What’s next, Mercy mains kidnapped a dev’s dog to force them to put her in Storm Rising too? Only explanation for her being in two Archives missions!


Then I wonder how to call some of us, who raided every thread with “Mercy” in the title (let’s say: “It would be nice for Mercy to have more angelic skin”), only to write “No, Mercy won’t be reverted”. Would that be a cult or hivemind as well?


The term raid is being used in the statement quoted above to describe an action that isnt a raid…

As the name might have implied, the thread was for gathering feedback. Not work tasks.