What was the point of S9 and “no one shots”?

It was never even about removing one-shots. It was about “reducing burst damage frustration”. This was a problem because tanks in particular were exploding. They could have just given them more damage mitigation without changing global HP pools and the problem would have been solved. Hanzo one-shots were never a problem.


They are consistent.

They nerfed a bunch of heroes with the are very frustrating to kill, down to 225hp.

Usually specifically because the hero has a teleport or similar.

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I’d argue that the distinction is razor thin. The primary purpose of burst damage is to get kills. If you don’t believe me, just ask all the people who whined about Hanzo post-S9.

This has been the case for a long time. Any combo which leaves little time or ability to survive it is considered a one-shot in common Overwatch parlance. It’s been pretty much etched in stone since Brig 1.0’s Bash + Melee + Whipshot combo could “one-shot” a Tracer and then Sigma’s Rock+Left-click+Melee that deleted any squishy.

Same as every patch. Throw whatever you can think of at the wall and hope something eventually sticks.


Please, stop trying to fit things into your own narrative. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean they have said that.

They never said anything about “NO ONESHOTS”. In fact, season 9 patch literally gave widow bigger bullets made her oneshot easier. They even had to do a immeidate nerf because the initial 0.08 bullet was way too easy. Also, venture was also released with a oneshot combo requires very little aim.

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Everything the guy said is correct. Moira is the only hero who got this exclusive buff to dps so she for no reason can maintain basic ttk where you need to click into 200hp hero direction for 4s with zero brain usage to eliminate it. Among all heroes, all roles nobody did get direct damage compensation. Not one. And we are not talking about recent +5 buff, it is overall since hitboxes patch. You are just biased forum support and likes of you are kill(ed)ing this beautiful once game.

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It was really just about making shots easier to hit for people who can’t aim so they feel like they’re better at the game than they are.

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No skill Dev’s listening to no skill whiners making no skill changes and now making Pikachu face why everything is trash😂


This is a lie. Because both Symmetra and Zarya got them. I think that Symmetra one got reverted quickly after the buff but she got her primary charge rate buffed.
Also some heroes, mainly tanks got damage of many of their abilities and ults buffed.

It is not there. Just the beam width.

Big words from little forum user and nothing behind them, as usual.
Sym’s charge speed increase is not a direct damage buff and there is a 4 months gap between hp patch and sym patch. They just throw a bone to her because she was performing exceptionally poorly.

Feels good to combo Kiriko again as Junkrat that little rat

It’s not new. Ashe’s “double-tap” has been around for a while, and it usually executes pretty fast to fit the “one-shot combo” akin to Roadhog’s Hook combos.

Tanks weren’t exploding prior to season 9.

The problem was - as mentioned - tons of players were complaining about getting hit or killed once they turned a corner or made one mistake. Either from Hanzo’s arrows, Widow’s sniper shots, Reinhardt’s charge, or Roadhog’s hook.

Step on a trap from Junkrat? Eat a concussion mine for a kill. Take Sigma’s Accretion to the face? That’s a death kill. Two consecutive headshots from every Damage or Support hero was a kill. Get slept? That’s a death kill.

For any non-Tank hero, particularly and especially the Damage-role, it was momentum killing if you could take a proper position or make good observations or take proper cover. Getting hit, despite the best intentions, meant dying and often out of your control. Often without the help of your team to cover or help prevent you death; or frustratingly dealing with a Support or Tank and being capped because they have a much easier time pulling it off over you.

For every Tank, dealing with burst damage was easy enough; but focus-fire was always a problem. Tanks had the tools; but only up to a certain point. It was easy enough for any Support to double up on healing power and create stalemates, or near immortal Tanks prior to season 9. This observation was apparent by the Blizzard development team a year before the OW2 beta test; and the idea was to reduce in-combat healing, but pushback from the community reversed that position.

Season 9 introduced the damage-role passive and made it easier to Damage-role heroes to hit other targets; while also doing nothing to the damage outputs of most of the cast, and bulking up the health of every hero. Because the community didn’t want to be one-shot anymore.


Ironically, it is the Tank-role that has most of the one-shot combos, or abilities that can eliminate a target in one-shot through an ability.

Widowmaker was the only exception. And Venture came out in season 10, and doesn’t have that combo anymore.


Junkrat, Zarya, Illari, Doomfist, Junker Queen, Reinhardt, Winston, Ashe, Hanzo, Brigitte, Lucio all saw damage increases.

Symmetra saw a net-zero increase in damage outputs.

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Good one.

The sources are in the links. Your choice to read them, or deny reality.

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I thought Junk was garbage, or has he improved over few patches?

Nah man, you got this all right. Not even spending time on arguing. Have nice day.

Yep, which the patch failed to do because they increased hitbox sizes and added the dps passive.

The issue for all of OW2 when it comes to damage, has been inconsistent damage sources. Sojourn was the biggest offender from S1 all the way until she lost her one shot, but still feels inconsistent when playing as or against her in terms of damage profile.

On top of this, they keep buffing damage on various heroes, especially tanks.

Burst damage has been more rampant than ever since S9 and it’s crazy to think they said their goal was met lmao.

(Then again, they said their goal was met after wave respawn, which is yet another bad change)

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No, she wasn’t. :joy:

Do you not understand how big a nerf 25 HP loss actually is? It was established years ago in OW1 when they were testing changes for McCassidy.

bruh moira has never been “broken” :sob:

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No oneshots!*

No non tank CC!**

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