What totally irrelevant thing grinds your gears about the game?

People acting like your performance in a single game, or even a single moment of a single game, defines your entire value as a human being (to them or yourself).

Oh, and, “And they said, and they said, and they they said…” XD


This was actually your teammate thanking you for accepting your defeat like a champ! Keep it up!

N DEY SEY N DEY SEY N DEY SEY chivalry is dead


“SORRY 'BOUT THAT!” or “HOW EMBARRASSING” spammed in the same way…


They do it because they know it tilts me. I don’t want to waste time watching the victory poses, POTG, voting cards etc. especially after a loss. So I insta leave and they give me green to try to rub salt in the wound

“Oh guys look their genji insta left everyone give him sportsmanship that’ll really make him mad!”

Plus I’m usually mediocre so when I lose it’s because i $#!T the bed on DPS so I think they also do it as a way of letting me know that i suck. Same thing as teammates giving me good teammate or shot caller after a very sub-par/ underwhelming performance on DPS

If I had to say one thing. I dunno. Maybe this.


The stupidity of some players sometimes on this forum and in the game.

But other than that probably POTG and how it never was properly adjusted for all heroes.

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Walking to the first point on 2CP or payload defense. Its a waste of time.

Also, having an ult featured in POTG. It’s like, yes, I’ve seen that exact “play” of someone pressing q like 63828 times. It’s pretty typical. Ult kills should only count as half a kill in that system…

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The fact that they patched out the Giant Sprays of Numbani. I’m still salty about it.




It’s really annoying that Reinhardt doesn’t have german voice lines (I know it’s because of the actor but it’s still annoying).

Also, I’m brazilian and Lucio’s voice actor did a great job, but because it’s my native tongue I can tell he doesn’t speak portuguese primarily.

Also², it’s enraging that we can’t write the colloquial call out for Orisa’s ultimate on the forum.


Mispronouncing the names when the characters SAY THEIR NAMES OFTEN. As a Spanish speaker, hearing Sombra mispronounced makes me die inside a little every time.


How should she be pronounced?

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when people pronounce reinhardt as rain-hardt :cloud_with_rain:


Sombra’s hair color not changing with her OWL skins.


Sorry, this is the best way I can describe it through text.

I hear it most often pronounced “Sawmbruh” which is wrong. Correctly would have it be The o pronounced as a long o (as in the word "oh) with the second syllable close to sounding like the word bra. There’s a roll on the r, too.

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I find this one so funny when I play Pharah. Everytime I just delete them 1v1 in air fight. They come back once more, try to kill me while I delete their team and proceed to die when I turn on them…
Air-rockets aren’t free bro ! And Pharah is easy to pick up but hard to master.

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If Bap gets a golden BackPack, why no Golden Mercy Wings or Gold Symmetra Glove?

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People really get tilted for getting the sportsmanship endorsement?

The absurd amount of toxicity that rolls around in this game, turning it into a toxic wasteland of endless blaming, shaming, and barbaric shouting.