🐡 What Topics would you like Devs to comment on?

  1. Sym’s Proton Barrier
  2. Doomfist’s Survivability
  3. Hero 30’s Role?
  4. Torb… Something (random)
  5. Reaper’s and Sym’s Shadestep and Teleporter
  6. Pharah’s… something (random)
  7. Beams
  8. A random puppy

(If you could only pick one, which would you have Devs talk about.)

photon barrier.
sym buffs/revert

Of the listed, Sym’s teleporter.

Role Q guild system upcoming features. We know that new hero maps and reworks are always being worked on give us something different and new

That includes Shadestep as well.

Also for the puppy thing: 🐶 Puppy describes How the forums are like (part3)

Literally anything at this point. A state of the union address from Overwatch itself’s president would be nice, as the GIANT LEADUP TO THE CURRENT TIMELINE’S LORE has been going on for years now.

Pull that Talon story trigger.

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  1. Role Queue
  2. Guilds

That’s literally all I’ve been asking for like 2 years now.

If I can pick multiple: 3, 5, and 8.

If I can only pick one? …3








Mainly those heroes

Events becoming becoming stale as well as the game itself.

Their plans to address the stale state of the game (in a different way than they’ve already been doing, outside of OWL/Recycled Events/Standard hero release schedule)

Junkrat’s grenades.
didn’t even need to think about it.

Pharah rework or nerf. I would have the biggest smile on my face.

The issue with people throwing down to low ranks to ruin games.

We can’t keep new players, and the most we got out of them is “Smurfing isn’t a problem”

None of the above. I’d ask them to address the staleness, the utter staleness of Overwatch while so many other games keep introducing fresh and exciting content.

what out of these choices? hero 30s role
what in general? general state of the game, how they feel about it, and how they are going to change it with this 20% increase in staff
what would they comment on? doggo

I’d like for them to comment on that time Symmetra punched their mothers in the face. That’s the only reason I can think of for her current kit to exist