What tilts you the most in OW?

It’s still trickling. It will always be trickling.

Three years.

Three darn years.

And you people STILL won’t group up.

  1. Pressing Q with a hero but a stun cancels it the .0001 seconds of casting it. Sombra or Ana for example. Yet someone like genji gets to keep his.
  2. When I’m a healer but our damage cant kill anything. One time in comp I rage swapped to Ashe and did more work than they did the entire round within 2-3 team fights.
  3. When someone says: “We need a healer!” But doesn’t want to play healer.

I’m a Mercy main, fite me.

When you’re playing a no-Reinhardt match, winning the dive comfortably, speeding around, playing the game in three dimensions; then one of their team goes Rein and everything stops in its tracks, you all have to switch and spend the next 4 minutes all standing around chokes. BORING.

People who instalock characters then proceed to absolutely suck. Bonus points if that character is a Widow, Symmetra, Hammond, or Sombra, because then they’re basically complete dead weight.

Also, Mei. Mei tilts me instantly. And feeding. Feeding makes me pretty mad.

when you hook a target and you get an awkward angle so barely any of the pellets hit

When someone smacks the basketball away as I’m lining up my shot

I have a list…

This. Especially when things are working well, and then a few people get staggered. It’s disheartening to watch them run in and feed instead of waiting half a second for the rest of the team to respawn. And if the bulk of the team waits for them, the enemy invariably identifies what is happening and attacks us with a number advantage to maintain the stagger.

Dva -smacks ball away-


“I’m #1

As a main healer:
1- my dear co-healer who does not want to peal/heal me because I’m a healer, I can heal myself (especially when I play Ana)
2- my dear DPS teammate who needs healing in the enemy backlane, spam “I need healing” and run away from me. Usually he takes the healthpack at the same time I reach him to heal him. #NoChargeForSupp
3- Random Hanzo headshots

weaker enemies that gets away with the stupidest stuff like backlining, picking off people, AND getting off scott free with his team

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LOL actually none of that, at this point. Despite Torb turret’s ridiculous sensor range on it.

I. Match maker.
II. Competitive mode ALLOWING NEW ACCOUNTS to QUE in with players of a higher level.
III. This new match maker patch which takes solo que players like myself and sticks me on a pre-made team. They are just flat-out rude folks… sad :frowning:


I have a cancer category. These are heroes i don’t want to play with or against. They’re not OP. They’re just cancer.

What tilts me the most is the cancer comp being in the game.

Examples are: Bastion, symmetra, torbjorn, orisa(i don’t mind orisa on my team on certain maps though).

Basically spammy stuff annoys me a lot.

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The terrible balancing.

getting booped into the air a ton of times while ulting as rein or lucio, until i either die, or my ult is used in a useless place.

Simple: Players who still seemingly have no idea how to play a team based game, despite the fact that they have over 100 hours of playtime in Overwatch. Going solo is not an option, you need to understand that if you want to win.

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Constantly playing with the same heroes as team mates: Hanzo, Widowmaker, Ashe, Ana, Roadhog, and Lucio. Seriously variety PLEASE.

the fact that I never got to play original symmetra
the fact that DVA did not deserve those nerfs, dont argue with me on that period.
poor balancing decisions

The noises Genji and Tracers weapons make.

I legitimately think I have something wrong with me for how much I hate these two characters.