Delete this please…plsss

delete this please…plsss


“will her weapon lose autolock and charge?”

Let us pray.

She can now launch up to 10 turrets into the air like a swarm of bees.
Scary stuff…


Last update from jeff, probably nothing set in stone yet. I’m sure they are still testing ideas.

Edit: from the looks of that post, seems more like a symmetra 3.0 is incoming.

I can’t wait to see Symmetra 3.0! Personally, I doubt they will change her main weapon’s feel. Every hero has to feel unique and as much as people hate her gun’s charging feature, it is a part of her identity.

I believe her skills will get the most changes and maybe her weapon will get some number changes in charge rate/damage/range/lock on time!

Personally, I want them to buff the builder aspect in her kit - give her more options. Maybe allow her weapon’s beam to lock onto teammates and provide them a channeled shield that uses up her ammo. Take teleporter off Q and turn it into a skill that has 1-2 charges; maybe break away from the whole teleport from spawn idea and let her build the entry/exit portals where she wants!

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