What the hell is wrong with placements?

And some people still believe QP MMR matters for fresh accounts’ placements lol.


Play a ton of QP until you feel confident in what you are doing. And watch some videos/streams about your heroes

This is new. Usually we get people complaining about how they get placed too low but you are complaining about getting placed too high. Never a dull day in Overwatch

It is truly refreshing to see someone complaining about being placed too high - its not that common (at least not about themselves).

But as Kaawumba said, most new players land in Gold then get killed for a while, Kaawumba has some good stats on why (search his posts), but the short story is that it’s a know issue / revenue generation for Bliz to encourage people to buy additional accounts to get a higher SR (at least briefly)…

Well you see I’m not really interested in having a high rank so much as I’m interested in a compelling competitive experience. But for that I need to be matched with equally skilled (read: bad) players. You either lose and feel like you can’t do anything about it or you win and you feel like you had nothing to do with it.

Keep playing and you’ll drop. You can also wait until next season and the same thing happens.

I went from 2391 to 1400 umu

Yes they are messed up, at least you didn’t fall for the trick of actually believing you were a gold player. After your initial losing streak things will stabilize and games will be more competitive.

To be fair until you have done comp the first time the game has nothing to go by.

Problem 2 is gold in QP is silver at best in comp if not lower. There are so many more QP players that it’s easier to climb in that mode along with the fact that qp is generally not taken seriously.

Thanks, that’s a bit reassuring. I just don’t understand why the system doesn’t place people more conservatively and let them climb. It’s frustrating for new players and the people they play with

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Pro smurf tip:
You can drop a bit faster if you leave the game at the start ( in spawn) . The game will then cancel so your team wont lose SR. You will lose 50SR and get a timed ban - first one is 10 minutes and they will get longer untill you are perma banned. You can do this a couple of times without really harming anyone.

Gold and bronze are the same tbh

just another brain dead system by blizzard. They should increase the level requirement and add some extras. Obv their system would be better in placing you this way without killing everybody elses game.

That doesn’t fix anything. I still want a competitive setting, just one adequate for my skill level

um no they really aren’t.

that explains why so many matches are like that. didn’t realize smurfs have that logic. how do you avoid the perma ban?

Play a couple of games without leaving and the penalty will eventually reset. It doesnt really help smurfs to stay low though as the PSBR will fight you and give you huge SR gains.

When I started earlier this year, I got placed in high plat. Didn’t deserve that AT ALL. Plummeted fast. Ended up in bronze briefly. Now I’m actually getting better at the game, and I’m almost in gold. Having fun!

To place bronze or silver in your first season you have to literally throw your QP games. Walk off the map instead of pressing Q in a teamfight etc.

It’s a long time since I started playing but I first placed at exactly 2500 SR which was far too high at the time and over the next couple weeks I dropped almost to 1800 which is the lowest point I ever reached flexing practically every hero in the game.
Only then did I realize what I suck at (aiming) and focus on playing things I was more proficient at that depend more on positioning and game sense than pinpoint accuracy.
I played main tanks and Ana to practice some accuracy while still being useful and climbed back to platinum and then into diamond before the season was over.

I admit the first losing streak was some of the least fun I’ve ever had and it was caused by the system placing me higher than I deserved.
However there are positives too. You learn and improve far faster against opponents better than you.
Just play and don’t care too much about the movements of your SR, just learn from every match and every mistake.

Quick play has no effect on initial placements. Everyone starts their first game around 2350. See Initial Competitive Skill Rating, Decrypted.

Not quite the case since you can see those “bronze to gm” smurf accounts place silver/bronze by jumping off the map for 25 levels.

Well unless things have changed of course. I can’t say you’re wrong as all my info is very old.