What the Hell Blizzard

I was just going to be promoted, and i didn’t get a single SR point for my win. What the hell is that??? Yesterday i got 2SR for one of my wins… today NONE. It’s a joke…

Lol, I got 6 SR the other day and then 10 SR… it doesn’t want you to rank up mate. You’ll be hard stuck now.

Which is totally sick…

I’ve never had a zero SR gain on a win, or heard of anyone who has

Are you sure the game wasn’t a draw instead?

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I’ve noticed sometimes people forget what their SR was, and after a game they think they’re gained nothing when they actually got their winnings. There is a bug where sometimes you gain stupidly small amounts of SR like 5-6, but it’s super rare.


Well, happenned to me twice in two days… Sick… And no, it wasn’t a draw, i know the difference between draws and wins…

It would probably be best for you to hit up the bug report forum with this item. It won’t get you any SR currently, but it could potentially help them fix a bug that is preventing people from gaining in the future.

I used to keep tracking of all my SR gains, and yes, it happened to me too. Especially in the “Where are you going come back - seasons” where climbing is impossible and you lose double of what you gain, or as it happened to you too, youi have matches where you gain 0. I reported it as a bug but nothing happened. Some people will say “It’s the system recognizing where you belong and it’s trying to keep you there”, and as much as they are right for the second part, for the first part a free Overwatch copy (ft. Humble Monthly Bundle) proved that sometimes they are pretty wrong.

TLDR: Ranked are pretty messy, you now gained the malocchio (evil eye). Good luck buddy, and welcome to the club.