What the heck is this blizzard?

Seems like kind of a bad way to do weapon spread:

When you said there would be a less random spread I assumed it meant more shots going to the center. Do you just not like shotguns? This darts board thing was bad design in the first place imo.
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Your first mistake was trying to use the clickbait known as YourOverwatch as a reliable source

Second, it is an unintentional nerf that they have already said that they plan to fix

I just watched some of that.

But it’s not a video by YourOverwatch?

Sorry I didn’t see what they said about fixing it, what exactly did they say?

My mistake, but that is usually the format that YourOverwatch uses to clickbait videos

Moral is don’t use YourOverwatch as a reliable source

No, the moral is be more careful with your responses so ya don’t look like a dingus. :smiley:

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I agree the thumbnail looks similar. YourOverwatch just seems to copy a lot of other videos which put me off.

I really want to know how they intend to fix this as every shotgun in the game works the same way?

Psst check developer comments they already addressed this

Lol find a more original username first if you’re gonna try to go for me

Right back atcha, buddy. :slight_smile:

YourOverwatch is such a meme at this point.

It’s the Fox News of OW :smile:

Nah but apparently I’m a dingus for trying to say that LOL

Can either of you just give me a link please?


Not gonna lie, BTC is no better…

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Hmm it sounds like this will just be for Reaper and not the other shotgun heroes, I don’t like that.

Noooo, your mistake was making the wrong assumption about the video and rushing to comment on it. That made you look foolish.

It’ll be aight, though. You’ll get over it. :slight_smile:

Yeah the post was only about reaper but theyll probably target all the shotgun heroes

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If they do it would be huge, they should actually change it with every hero that has spread. I wish Jeff was more specific.