What tanks could we possibly see in the future?

That would be cool but idk Sanjay just seems like a dps to me. Could be wrong though.


Since he seems to be making his workers do his dirty work I find it fitting for him to hide behind a mech as opposed to actually fighting himself!


Zero. Same with Supports. I can’t wait for the reaction when everyone finds out all the new OW heroes are DPS, lol (at least on release).


Blizzard: “We we’re going to make Mauga a Tank but we decided that he would better fit the damage category”.



How about taking all the offtanks and making them kinda Damage heroes?

✅ Modified 1-3-2 that can be 1-1-2-2

I was joking at the fact that blizzard doesn’t make enough supports and tanks lol.

I’m hoping for d.mon.

I would also love to see a sap tank that gets stronger by feeding on enemy health and stealing thier healing


The top heroes I’m waiting for are the Mecha Squad (D.mon, Overlord and Casino), all of them look super cool.


Really hope for D.Mon to expand the Meka squad.


Mauga is basically a shoein, if they can fix his kit to match his story.

Word is that Junker Queen could be a tank, but we don’t know enough about her to say that for sure.


I loved Mauga the moment I read that PDF. Worried that he will never happen.

I’d like to see a pure Brawler, Wrestler type Tank, doing backbreakers and chokeslams on the whole cast, and headbutting two targets at the same time with his Ult.

D.Mon above all else. She looks like a surefire main tank and I feel pretty confident that having a weeb bait waifu would help a decent bit in encouraging people towards the role.

I’d also absolutely love to see Recluse happen and a mounted Tank on a big cat (or any type of animal really, just gotta get those glorious animations) shaped robot.


Still hoping Mama Hong is a thing

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I’m hoping to see more playable robots in game. Preferably robots, not omnics that tried to look more like human.

They’ve shown they are capable of doing that with null sector’s lineups.

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This, I would love to see more “Null Sector” like Tanks, just robotic war machines similar to ED-209 instead of humanoids or genetically engineered monsters closer to Tyranids than Winston and Hammond.

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Hoping for a tank that is completely new and has not been shown in any OW media.

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Flamethrower tank! Flashy weapons are both awesome and might encourage our DPS brethren to have a look.


Funny thing is, we kinda have a complete makeover with the ED-209 concept in game.

DVA is practically a korean remake of the classic war machine, added more feminine flair, some better tech - and yet sport lousier auto cannons.