What’s with the paranoia of skimpy skins?

I guess we’ll just dismiss the blatant fan service they tried hiding under our noses with bastion.


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Hey a sexy naked dragon lady is fine by me whether they have nipples or not…


Ah yes. And then I can explain to their parents why their kids is asking them about such things after being in my presence. That’s not problematic at all. Have you ever been around young kids? Ever, in your life? Have you ever had a parent of a young kid ask you not to curse around them, or do anything that kid might want to stupidly try imitating? It’s like that. Kids are impressionable, and when kids are under your supervision, most people typically try not to impress upon them the wrong types of things. Like, for example - a six year old thinking it’s okay for her to walk around in a bikini all day because a character in a TV show or a video game did that. Like there aren’t actual real life predators who would take advantage of that.

Yes, the parents are obviously responsible for stopping that behavior, but it wouldn’t have been the parents that gave that kid the misconception that that was OK - that would be the fault of the game or other media that the kid took at face value (and the person who allowed them to see it, obviously). That’s all I’m trying to say here, really. Kids are incredibly naive, and obviously they can’t be protected from every little thing on the planet - but we could make it so that games that are marketed to include a younger audience don’t give them the wrong impressions. That’s literally the only issue I have. If I didn’t know, for a fact, that young children play this game (and not just my nieces watching it, no - how many complaints have you seen about pre-pubescent kids on VC?), I would not have any issue with skimpy outfits whatsoever. Skyrim’s Nexus is absolutely drowning in skimpy/sex mods, and besides being annoyed by it, I’m not going to push for those mods to be removed because the people using that site are probably older teens to twenties. They have every right to play the game they want to, it’s not hurting anyone. But I sure as heck wouldn’t go on that site with my nieces around me.

It’s like the nonsense with Bronies, or Elsagate. Is there a problem, objectively speaking, with older audiences enjoying a children’s show? Of course not. Is there a problem with sexualizing the characters from that kids’ show, when an impressionable kid is likely to see it before they understand what it means? Yes, I believe so - when it’s a case of that sexual content being publicly available and easy to be stumbled upon by an unsuspecting kid. (Privately is another thing entirely, but I’m talking about how prevalent the NSFW content was for these two instances where you literally could not escape it.)

It’s a difference of target audiences, and who will be consuming that media. Skimpy outfits, even incredibly sexualized outfits that are more than just showing a bit of skin, are not objectively an issue across the board. It’s just that, imo, Overwatch is not the right place for it, given the audience it reaches. Again - this is just my opinion. Obviously you’re welcome to disagree, but this is just where I’m coming from.

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Thick thighs at that, he’s also completely naked.

It’s 2018, those kind of thoughts are outdated and if absolutely any games are going in that territory with cosmetics I do not see why Overwatch should be an exception, can’t deny it’s a win-win for them.

While we’re at it, would I want any characters to have such ? Absolutely !
Do I want a Brigitte like that ? YES
Do I want an absolutely non cannon Reyes in swimsuit ?? YES
Moira ? YES !
ANA ? Yes
Roadhog ? Yes !

I’m all for it. I’m all for equality and no body shaming.

I admit it, I laughed

Well done

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Nawh dude.

Bastions got armor covering them :ok_hand:

Oh no…


My young brain didn’t know that humans had Legs/s


Wrong, he’s just extra thick👌

Let’s not forget that in some countries, stuff like “skimpy wear” could be a reason to ban a game from being accessed to.


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So, kids play things like Call Of Duty, or Pokémon(who happen to have skimpy stuff, a lot actually, even some questionnable allusions sometimes), Fornite(there are some sexy cosmetics), Paladins(a good amount of sexualization), League of legends.
But no, Overwatch can’t because kids ? Odd.

Then that’s between the parent and the child. Blizzard isn’t responsible for what parents allow their children to consume media wise.

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And those countries have something wrong with them, all though america doesn’t seem very different lately but instead of the law it’s the people who complain compared to the other countries where it’s the opposite.

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They might even have… Skin.


Alot of people jumping through hoops to try to avoid saying they want Overwatch to be Dead or Alive


Wrong, she’s just extra thick with cheese :ok_hand::joy:

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Maybe you can’t but I certainly can and I’m sure many others do. Probably depends on what age it was done up to. And I can sure as hell remember walking in on my parents and siblings while they were changing/showing/etc and then there’s public changing rooms…I honestly dunno how a kid could manage to get through childhood without seeing nudity.

Yeah, that’s true, though people show their kids far worse without blinking and eye either. Cartoon-ish or not though, violence is still violence, the goal is to hurt the other person, I don’t see how anyone can be silly enough to think normal levels of bare skin is somehow worse.

Nope, because I think seeing a boob is just fine. Though for that matter, I don’t see anyone asking for bare boobs or privates, merely standard and practical amounts of skin for Summer clothing.

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So why should the players suffer? They can’t change laws overnight that have been in place for solid decades. Imagine hearing the news your most played game is banned in your country because of the shift in content? They can’t help it.

You’re not only lowering the amount of players, but a company wouldn’t risk losing customers over something that isn’t even that relevant.

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I can barely remember anything before i was like, Ten. o-o

I probably have issues.