What’s with the paranoia of skimpy skins?

Good? no. Thematic, yes.

There is a standard to this game and its characters and I applaud the art dept for staying within what they set in the beginning.
DVA: cute
Widowmaker: Sexy
Symmetra: Elegant

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Great indeed, feminazis are the best advertisers if one won’t bend one’s back for them.
Those hags can sit on their twitter for days tweeting about anything that got their overly sensitive panties in a twist. And other good thing…no customer really takes them seriously.

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Yea, fair enough, but you know that if Blizzard even dares to make a skin showing a character like pharah, tracer, widow, mercy, or symmetra showing off even a tiny bit of skin, they are going to absolutely flip.

The problem is they’re giving out so much fan-service for the female characters, but not for any of the male ones.

Like c’mon with something like Widow’s beach skin in the game, suddenly the absence of speedo Roadhog becomes inexcusable.

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I’ve seen 12 year olds suicide bomb things. … You think because you’ve seen it happen it’s acceptable?

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The best part about these “protective parents” is that it’s so obvious that they just want to deal with their kids.
They don’t want to explain anything that makes them mildly uncomfortable.
They give their kids smartphones to keep m busy so they won’t ask questions.

Easier to pass off the responsibility to the developers i guess. You just gave your kids the means to see/do all these things! why should you have to deal with any questions they might have about it!


Guess what are the kids using those smartphones for :slight_smile:

Lol, point.

Do you have kids? There’s a time and a place for such discussions, and it’s never as easy as saying “well some people just like those outfits”. Kids ask why - why this and not that. Why that and how does it work and why does it work and why wouldn’t something else work instead. Kids are hard to teach things because they question absolutely everything you tell them. Maybe not older aged kids - but young kids, certainly. They also recognize the difference between actual people with the ability to decide to wear things for themselves, and fictional characters who are just designed that way.

For an example, if you’ve ever played Final Fantasy XIII, do you remember Vanille? Her character design was a bit skimpy, but not a problem at all by itself. Until of course, you got into battle, and all of her voicelines were intended to sound like sexual moaning. Even the VA for Vanille spoke out about how she was directed to make them sound more sexual. And let’s not even talk about what it looks like when she uses her eidolon. Playing the game just by itself was not an issue, but playing the game in the company of people who did not also play video games was incredibly awkward because of the assumptions they would make. Was FFXIII “kid-friendly”? Yeah, for the most part. But the sexualization of Vanille just made it awkward and uncomfortable in some ways, where it didn’t have to be.

That’s more what I’m referring to, more than just the concept of skimpy outfits. Yeah, they’re fun for the people who want them - but they run the risk of making others incredibly uncomfortable for various reasons. Maybe parents are okay with their kids playing OW, but aren’t okay with their kids playing games with skimpy character designs. Maybe some people prefer the skins to be a bit more realistic, like Pharah’s armor skins, or Soldier’s fatigues. Maybe people are just sick of every other game having skimpy options and are tired of looking at it.

Sorry if this sounds like I’m preaching. I really don’t find anything inherently wrong with skimpy costumes. Mercy’s witch costume is one of my faves and it can considered skimpy. I just get tired of seeing it all the time. I play a lot of Skyrim and 70% of the mods nowadays are bikini/skimpy/sexy armor mods rather than anything useful. It just gets to the point where there’s an oversaturation of it (in gaming in general) and it gets to be irritating after a while.


This one’s debatable…

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Just people getting triggered easily again

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Lifeguard McCree says hi. And Scion Hanzo (more for the style)

@Krotoan, I didn’t say it was good. In a perfect world, kids should not play Overwatch or Fortnite at 4.

they can also play m rated games with parents permission but that doesn’t mean we should go censoring m rated games because parents cant be bothered to spend 5 seconds thinking about what kind of content their kids are consuming on the internet.


indeed it’s not. Kids at 12 should honestly not be being exposed to the “wonderful” people in voicechat/text on the internet in any unsupervised capacity either. But this really isn’t about how child appropriate it is. They’ve never balked at having a sexy character, just out of character additions.

Lifeguard McCree? Yeah, I’ll give you that one

Scion Hanzo? Ehh, I wouldn’t really give off the same vibes.

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I suppose that depends on your religion. … point conceded.

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Default doomfist then?

Fan-service isn’t just skin exposure (though let’s be real, Doomfist’s entire inclusion in the game is fan-service in of itself, though of a different kind.)

I just used beach Widow because it’s one of the easiest examples.


It isn’t about “exposure”. It’s about what they see now and how they process those things later in life, which is how I can see that argument. But then again, if they can go outside and see bikinis and booty shorts it defeats the purpose. I’m perfectly fine with bikinis because in Widowmaker’s case, for me it has one of the coolest looking weapons and just looks cool, not sexually, just cool. It’s ok to be sexually attracted a character, as long as you don’t make it to weird, just a normal thing. If your scared about your kid seeing Cote De Azure Widowmaker just say it’s what you wear at the beach. These things aren’t inherently sexualized, they are what you’d see in real life.

This is just a game, people need to stop making the game their personal safe space. There are tons of game out there that has way more skimpy skins that Overwatch and no one bats an eye. Heck, even the new hero in HoTS has a high bikini line and she’s a damn high inquisitor with holy light as her power.

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Maybe some games can exist without having content specifically meant to arouse you ?