What’s the point in the “Public Testing Range”

If you just add stuff there and don’t change anything and let it sit there for months before adding it to live.


PTR changes happen pretty regularly, actually


as welll as the other game that does something similar, siege, also doesnt use its tts for testing out new things but to find bugs

There’s been no changes since July 3rd…

he means whe na ptr ends and goes live, another ptr goes up relatively shortly after…also you are wrong, it updated on the 5th

Go look, the latest patch note for the PTR is July 3rd. Even if it was patched on the 5th that was 12 day ago.

i did…its says july 5th

also, there hasnt been a ptr longer than a month so…you are wrong, this would be the longest ptr…at under four weeks

Pull up the loader. It literally says patch 1.26 - July 3rd 2018…

I never said anything about a month. Wrecking ball was announced and hit the PTR on June 28th. That makes 20 days on the PTR.

i was talking to the op

also boom

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Relatively few people play it or spend any real amount of time. It’s to find bugs. Just because nothing else is planned doesn’t mean you won’t find a bug that needs to be fixed before it goes live

The launcher isn’t as updated as the forum posts and the posts you find on the OW update page.

It’s honestly just a preview, nothing more. Once something is on there 90% of the it’ll go into the game unchanged