What Role Do Y'all Main?

Lol why are you so mad

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smh basic shield player cringe

Shut it bastion otp
Plays orisa and ball cringe

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casually forgets hog okay kid

I main both support and DPS I rarely play tank and if I do I play Dva only for fun in QP.


20 characters

Why suck up and praise CMs that are largely absent and provide little useful information?

They provide what they can because they are under an NDA however they still engage when possible and are lightheaded fun people.

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All three but tank/heal mostly and DPS secondly

Genuinely not something to be proud of :trollge:

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Says the guy who shamelessly swaps to Cassidy when he’s losing

Some of us want real updates on the game and aren’t interested in treating the forums like a discord chat room.

Main tanks
Flex support is fun too especially in this meta
Everything else isnt as fun.

Tank main, although Junkrat is still close to my heart.

I play all the heroes except for the tanks, Mercy and Moira.


Lucio OTP to be exact, it’s not like I’m any good at Ana, or god forbid, Zen. :cold_face:

When there was no role queue I was flex with a higher playtime in support and tank and after role queue support mainly Lucio top and the others when needed and tank when I need a change and normally Rein as he is just too happy not to play.

I have 6 hours on genji this season and the next dps being junkrat around 30 minutes and then cass 20 or so
Also yes some of us play competitive and actually try to win :)))

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open queue