What really was wrong with mass Resurrect?

Only people who really like playing Mercy have much of a problem with her current state. That’s still a minority of the playerbase. Everyone else just really wanted her to be balanced, and a hero who’s a little underpowered isn’t a huge deal if you don’t play her. And most of them would probably just fix her with a little buff.

I think part of the hate for mass rez was how 2cp worked back then. There were no 3 ticks to capture, you had to get the entire thing in one go.

It was already too high of a demand, but the headache was multiplied x10 if there was a defensive Mercy.

That’s the thing though, she isn’t just slightly underpowered. She’s extremely underpowered. Play her in low ranks and you’re basically de-ranking at a extremely fast pace and if you play her in high ranks, you are literally throwing.

[quote=“HintOfMalice-2431, post:2, topic:212147”]
If Genji pulls off a DragonBlade in your whole team, you can Trans, or Sound Barrier, or boop him or stun him. If Mercy gets Rez off, then her whole team comes back.
[/quote] Providing of course she makes it, without allies, to the point where her team just died.
Providing she isn’t stunned before she gets the cast off.
Providing they died all clustered closely together… which isn’t that likely.

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Just kill the entire enemy team 4head

People with ult tracking will spread out if something is imminent regardless of if there is a Mercy, and the game should not have a mechanic by which it turns the game into an RNG.

2CP says otherwise.

You can’t just say that every rez is a tempo rez when it already means an early non-mass rez. Are you actually here to discuss rez or fight with everyone?

Oh yeah, its WAAAAAAY worse than Dva nuking a team, Junkrat nuking a team or Zarya + hanzo nuking a team.
It is SO much worse when the players get a second chance.
If you can’t tell, I’m trying to sound sarcastic. Did it show?

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The difference is those ults have counter play, mass res didn’t. You’re invincible while using it, you can’t waste it because you can’t activate it unless there is someone to res and it doesn’t even need line of sight like the only way you could compare those ults is let’s say for example Dvas ult went through wall and Shields and only activated when someone was close enough for them to get killed by it oh and Baby Dva would be invincible through out the whole thing.

The ‘Grav Dragon’ became meta defining because there was really very little you could do… once Zaraya caught you clustered, and Hanzo obeyed the callout, unless genji somehow deflects the dragon, the whole team dies.

In a nice, tight little cluster.
Mercy was literally a counter to that specific wombo combo, because most of the time, no matter what you say, theres not often a good reason for multiple players to die at the same time, in the same tight place.

The Aoe of res wasn’t all that big, towards the end of its life, you know.

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I mean you can stop a dragon blade, just like how you can stop any ult but you couldn’t stop mass rez.

The only one think was reong with mass resurrect… invulnerability on mercy. That what change this to something bad, because no one was able to counter it. Witchout it, every one was able to kill her, it was like reverse phara ult, she had to puth herself in danger but if it was use right it was great advantage in next teamfight.
She was not a troll pick back then.

Grav Dragons wasn’t meta definieing because your couldn’t don’t anything about it it was only the case because Hanzo was overpowered and Brig basically countered every hero that countered him. Also Zen was the counter to this combo but because of damage boost transcendce got out damaged by dragons.

Actually, it kind of is. It’s pretty rare for Dva or Junkrat to get more than one or two people unless the ult is well used and the team was particularly vulnerable. As far as grav dragon, well, that got nerfed, too. But even that wasn’t as bad, it is two ults, one of which is particularly slow and obnoxious to get, and there is still more counterplay to grav dragon than there is to mass rez.

Rezzing a team after a teamfight will usually result in a wipe of the other team. It was about the worst thing in the game to get hit with and it had almost no counterplay. And Mercy got it really fast, too.

mass rez was fine before they made mercy invulnerable during the cast, having it instant cast with iframes ment there’s no counter play possible .

In low ranks Mercy is actually still better than Ana.

That’s actually what the soul stealing originally did, way back in beta or before. It was changed because it was too good, Mercy essentially had her ult denied all the time.


We all know the real reason it was removed.


Would it? Getting big ult value was the only way most mercy players were able to find value. Only some at the higher ranks were smart enough to use tempo rez at the right times.

The problem is that if there is a mercy on the enemy team with ult, the game devolves into “mercy hunt”, most other things you do won’t really have any effect as it’s negated. Whether or not Mercy is hiding, she is going to be in a safe place. You have to close the distance without having any casualties of your own, somehow focus down a very mobile hero while the rest of the team is trying to kill you and if you succeed with killing her, then you have to make sure that you win the fight completely before respawns happen.

A lot of things can be considered straight forward on paper, but in unorganized play, it’s very hard to do. 2CP is relatively simple on paper as well, but it basically requires perfect engagements and ult usage to win which even the pros struggle with.

The way to “counter” Rez is to force it out first by getting kills, most likely with ult usage and then having follow up ults that can win you the fight again after Rez has been used.

I really enjoy the posts that say she would always get 6-man rezzes because then they just prove they don’t know what they’re talking about.

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You mean you haven’t?:^)