What other people think Mercy mains want

whoa i want that too

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Very very low skill floor and skill ceiling compared to most other heroes

Wants her to be as viable as very very hard heroes, while retaining her very easy uncomplicated kit and mechanics.

Something doesn’t add up here guys, i can’t quite put my finger on it.

How is that even close to sounding entitled?

2 Months ago: Mercy 60 hps. Gets a Nerf down to 50 hps. Dev’s realized they over nerfed her, and reverts half the nerf and gives 60 hps back when she ults.

Mercy now: (or soon to be) Heals 50 hps baseline. Heals 60 hps when ults. She is still in a nerfed state then she was in 2 months ago. The “buff” is nothing new that is going to change her past where she was 2 months ago. Mercy players were already unhappy at the state she was in 2 months ago. We know how 60 hps feels when we ult.

How are you unable to see the difference in the issues players have with Mercy and the fact that this little buff means absolutely nothing in regards to those issues?


Subjective, but check

Check, especially with buffs coming


Most people who aren’t thinking outside the box see this as the best way to get Mercy to the above mentioned spot so there is that. Given she was a C tier at best even with invulnerability and all the isue’s that got her reworked had nothing to do with balance but rather “Muh Unfun mechanic”

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That is true.

That is a lie.

There are currently no numbers to determine the validity of that statement, and is therefore only spreading more misinformation.

You realize my point still stands even if it’s not 50/50 right? there’s so much divide that no one can accurately say what mercy mains want.

Misinformation is one of the main causes of immense conflict about this topic. My only intention was to correct it so that others do not use said false information. People see you saying 50/50 and will then use that information as if it has any merit.

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Seriously, I can’t be bothered to try and explain to someone whose already got their minds made up.

I’m saying this, she got a buff Be grateful, stop asking for more stop saying it’s not what mercy players asked for. You got one And it’s is entitled to ask for more and say it isn’t what you asked for. Complaining it’s a revert and not a buff is entitled because it is a buff no matter how you put it. She got stronger. Just because it’s not mass Rez doesn’t mean it’s bad

P.s entitles means you expect everything that want. Am doing mercy main act very entitled sometimes and even I a mercy main admit that,

i just realised

the secondary fire is the same as live, right?

thats not what the mercy crusade wants, they want 30000% damage amp

to have rez as an ult

what the rest of the community doesnt want: rez as un ult

she’s the exact same hero in terms of gameplay, now harder to play with a less of a toxic ult

Well, see, about that…


She need a coherent rework to make them happy:

1.- Need an AoE Healing: This ability will make her Healing Beam AoE for 3 secs with a cooldown of “10 secs& 75 HPS”. Her beam will remain as 50 HPS

2.- REZ cooldown will be increased to 120 secs and that will be instant again. This will be a mini-ult.

3.- Guardian-Angel cooldown will be increased 2 to 3 secs

4.- Her ultimate will be similar to Zeny: “She will turn into an angel and AoE-Heal 300 HPS” duration 9 secs. So she can negate enemy team pushes

Something like are the changes Mercy need to make the character more interesing.

That’s like her only weakness, which is why its an ult rn



similar =/= the same :rofl:

60%dont want rez back

67% dont want rez back

i dunno why you’re descriditting ur self

there are 45 million players
ask them all
not just 25 where mercy mains legit currupt it and spam the mass rez

pros said : it’s cancer to play against
the devs want the game to be a compt game and thus changed it for the pros
and unlike what aria rose likes to say these people (pros) know what the best for ow is and they’re not misinformed.

I just want 60hps as her base heal again, just it… :confused::pensive:.

Zeny ult is the ONLY decent ultimate for the support in this days.

Lucio Sound-Barrier should have a duration of 9 secs as well. That ability is a freaking joke in the present

Brig-ultimate is another joke barely can save somebody if the enemy do a push

Moira ult put her on extreme DANGER during the duration instead of a ult that seems like a dam nerf and barely can save somebody to die

Mercy ult is a joke lol

ANA ult is designed to KILL and push not a lot as Team-UTILIY

This would skyrocket her to must pick :slight_smile:

:spider_web: This Mercy main just wants Rez as an ult or gone completely. Even if Blizzard wasn’t notorious for bad balancing and they were the best of the best, you just can’t take an ULTIMATE and make it an ability. :pensive:

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