What more do you want to take away?

Within the span of these few patches, sym had:

  • her tp cd nerfed which is her core to do anything (engage enemies to be a damage hero, escape for survivability, provide utility for teammates, like effect is like if sombra had her invis + translocator be put on a 12s cd)
    • this ultimately chucks out her skill expression, any hope of flexibility and mobility. Same with any independence to do her job.
  • her turrets nerfed to no longer stack slows on things that slow themselves
  • her ult nerfed in ult charge rate which further nerfs her survivability
  • and now her primary’s about to be nerfed too

Adding all this with the objective fact that sym originally had low range, low sustain, low mobility and high delays compared to most of the cast as well as literally the most niche weapon in the game and the fact that she was literally “underpowered” before double shield meta:
what could you possibly want to further nerf ?

how much more do you want to take from her before you finally acknowledge that maybe the problem isn’t in sym?


if only they can take 10% as much from doom…


Ill take if they could take 1% as much thatd be neat

granted you shouldn’t be the one setting up in engaments unless it’s like horizon and you need to get on point

with that cast time it was never that the case execpt in like a fresh nuts montage or something

agruably it has more of that that it’s ever been

thank bloody god you where litterally imobile when even a single turret was on rein whilst holding barrier up

everybody got that my dude

people are 100% overreacting about how much thats gonna do

litterally every DPS for the entirity of GOATs was litterally underpowered wanna know why cause for those season we’ve had a no dps meta

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Um, you see Nerf, I see change in how she plays. This is coming from essentially a Symm main when I DPS (in fairness I usually Tank and Support).

Her Teleporter is slower but the device is permanent until destroyed. That’s allowed me to create massive shortcuts on anything that’s not attack on Payload or 2CP. You say you lost mobility. I say my tanks and healers can return almost instantly from spawn.

The Turrets still do their job, they just don’t do the job for you anymore.

Not sure what you mean for her Ult, I have Ult every other battle if not sometimes every battle. Specially in a shield meta you have an easy time powering up your Left Click and then grinding out Damage like nothing.

I want Sym to have a better ultimate next.
I miss her old ult who were pretty good, now her shield feels… Week (except on KoTh)

The good old days


so you think every damage hero should need to be forced to wait for the team to come together, push up as a ball in order for the damage hero to be in range to just have an opportunity to use their weapon?

like damn, then all those mid to long ranged hitscans must be really OP to you in being able to be in range so often i.e. often have the opportunity to lmb and do their job.


just because you couldn’t doesn’t mean it wasn’t a thing.

does every hero have half their survivability options being tied to ult whilst having low mobility, low range and high delays? I don’t think so.

and when you weren’t playing goats, would you have preferred a #AlwaysViableHitscanOrHanzo or a sym on your team? sym’s issue of having all of having all of low mobility, low sustain, low range and high delays, always had put her behind the others.


yeah from a tactical area denier that can be aggressive and dynamic about it (i.e. not just tower defense) back to her sym < 3.0 days of “teeeeeeaaaaam DO SOMETHING” tower defense i.e. spamming orbs and turrets, waiting for your team to finally give you space to access a flank route or let you w+m1 or just waiting for your team to use your tp that’s now stuck in the same spot for a long time because migrating it to adapt to the situation is punished hard.

yeah so globally lost value just for some inconsistent debatable value in like at least half of the game…

how long will that spawn tp be sitting there not being used vs how long it’s actually being used? Is that worth having you as sym not being able to:

  • engage enemies when you see the chance
  • escape a foreseen threat
  • provide access to somewhere your team currently actually needs/wants

throughout the whole duration of the spawn tp? is it worth increasing the likelihood of you yourself as sym dying more often?

cool, nerf ult along with everything else. double shield meta goes down from other balance changes. what’s left with sym? how do you think she’ll fare without double shield meta?

My prediction is that everyone will realise that all these changes, esp the tp cd nerf, dug her into a bigger niche hole than her sym1.0 and 2.0 kits. The very thing everyone wanted her to be reworked for.

Sombra feelz your pain.

We just wish she had your DPS after the nerf.

The turret slow change was one of the quietest nerfs no one talks about. Not only does it not slow down people already slow like Reinhart holding up a shield. I don’t think they even stack with them selves.

It used to be if you hit some one with all 6 turrets they could barely move. When they got reduced to 3 turrets they claimed to increase how much they slowed you down, but it never seemed like it.

Now 3 turrets is the same as 1 turret far as I can tell.

That affected everyone. Sym was lucky enough to have one of the faster charging ults.

And for good reason. The devs have said this resulted in them getting far too much damage done on average. They apparently were getting a 20-40% damage increase over the course of the game.

She’s getting like a 7-8% nerf to compensate for this. The beam width nerf doesn’t even feel very impactful having played her on the PTR.

That’s my point. The main nerf is the tp 12s cd starting from destruction. It’s so unavailable now that sym can’t engage enemies, i.e. get in range reasonably, when she sees fit, can’t escape when she foresees it, can’t provide utility actively to her team when she sees it.

most of the promised “flexibility” and “strength in other areas” for sym3.0 was in the tp being able to be cast on demand. they took that away. now sym can’t do anything without a bastion tier team pocket.
where’s the compensation for that?
and yet everyone has the audacity to want more nerfs despite everything done to her in these few weeks just because “omg she meta and barriers being everywhere enable her”. Like no, the issue isn’t in sym and she got nerfs already on her kit which individually was under-performing in first place.

They simply do not want Symmetra or Sombra to be viable, because they’re “Oppressive™” :roll_eyes: