What matters most for SR

But it’s called “skill rating” per say. It’s supposed to be your classification on a normal pdf of all players ranked by % ability.

You keep defending a system that doesn’t make any sense. There is zero reason to have MMR, there is zero reason to have 8+ patents intending to rig the product/service. There is zero reason to climb/gitgud if the contest is rigged around some hidden performance criteria that the players will never know. There is every reason to call the ladder a sham, since it’s based around this SR metric - which isn’t really the score/payout afterall. And you mean for 5+ years it’s never been this way but they keep it without reset? That doesn’t sound like AAA, esports, or fairly ranked competition.

Do they really think players are OK with not seeing their indication of skill? It’s not a legitimate contest if SR isn’t ranking on skill.

So. It is a name. Doesn’t define what it is.

Is your SR and MMR going to be similar… most likely.

Yeah you mentioned the patents before. Firstly nearly all directly mention CoD. And secondly you show a complete lack of understanding for how and why patents exist.

They have them, not to use them. But to put them in a stronger legal position if they want to stop others. Or so they can license the IP behind the idea if it becomes viable.

I have 3 patents… not because I have any intention of using them.

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So it’s a mislabel? Because it says “skill rating”. The natural interpretation is to associate it with skill for the sake of classification, matchmaking, ranking, scoring, laddering.

But they have 8+ with full blown designs to contrive games for psychological manipulation (engagement, retention or churn, micro-transactions, etc). That’s like catching a predator. Sure, they only wanted to come and “hang out”.

It would be a different story if some IP existed that said “here is how we make sure esports are clean and non-rigged”. But they don’t have that. It’s driven by personal data (discriminatory), MMR driven, which is a hidden rigging or handicapping system designed to contive “balanced” matches.

That’s lightyears away from ladders that randomly assign people into a match, they perform and win (or don’t), collect a reward, and are not held accountable for that performance in terms of analytical adapt.

Once you start adapting matches (based on data, not some universal scoring metric like raw SR) to the player(s) it’s rigging and it’s no longer a fairplay ecosystem.

Just a name. A tag. Something catchy to make people care.

Yeah, they have hundreds more too. That they will also most certainly never use.

Ford has hundreds of patents revolving around rocket powered cars and flying cars. Never going to use them though.

They have them to protect them again future hypotheticals that will almost certainly never come up.

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Ok so do we have anything on file that shows they’re staking out fairplay, and claiming out tons of IP landscape for non-rigged laddering systems?

Because everything in my search shows some kind of contrived contest…some kind of manipulating the odds, handicapping and/or rigging for xyz reason(s). It would be nice if they had something patented to preserve esports integrity or enforce a strong metric on their ladder. But they don’t?

So they’re running a no-reset, alt-infested ladder with fake representation of skill (SR), where matches are shipped around some hidden performance criteria (MMR), and load-balanced to ensure a close match.

What kind of comp ladder is that? It’s entirely false…and should be branded as such. Why are customers being misrepresented like that? People dedicate their livelihoods in the pursuit of esports and the ranking system is a hidden sham? I can’t understand how that is at all allowed (legally), and how anyone can ethically defend such rigging.

If SR is relevant, it’s all you need. Using MMR is deceitful and needs to go.

Everything in your search shows a company taking out patents. Nothing else.

You have then come up with your own theory. And I think you need to lay off the drugs for awhile and re-engage the logic side of your brain.

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Taking out patents on rigging* their competitive systems. And yes, nothing else. I can’t find patents on how they intend to keep things clean and legit. Do you know of any ?

So. They have no intention of using them.

A patent doesn’t mean it is being used.

How can you not understand that basic bit of logic.

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They wouldn’t spend the cash or payroll the staff, pursuing a patent if there were zero intent to potentially implement. That would be patent trolling, and these patents are in active use, which means they’re making >$1 on them through products, services, or licensing.

So 100% of the active use patents MUST be in use somewhere, somehow. There are 8+ of these, and you think 0% of them made it into OW? I guess the CoD players have it really bad.

That’s the patent side. Then there is still the MMR (alternatively, SBMM) side. The devs have explained how there is MMR in OW, and how it works. It rigs matches for 50/50 outcome expectations. The patents also corroborate this story, with Overwatch screenshots for their matchmaking designs.

How is rigging a match for 50/50 outcome a fairplay ecosystem? Competitive ranking means you climb/fall naturally via random sampling of your score, rank, payout, or observable classification. There can’t be rigging matches and proper ranks, or by proxy, ladders. There is no free lunch - you rig matches, you lose rank/ladder integrity. You leave matchmaking alone, you gain rank/ladder integrity.

Yes they would.

In order to be I’m a legally stronger position when someone else does it to milk money off them.

It’s what Apple and Samsung have been doing to each other for years. The amount of patents they have for things that will never be used is absurd.

It doesn’t rig for 50/50, again that shows your lack of logical thinking/intelligence.

If the game is balanced, you have a 50/50 chance of winning. That is how well matched games work.

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Ok so even if magically 0% of it applied. I remind you, an IP portfolio so far 100% dedicated to rigging esports, ladders, and all online competition…even if 0% of that applied…(which you have 0 evidence of), we’re still left with MMR-rigging, which the devs have said ships 50/50 matches.

Why on earth would they need to rig matches towards 50/50 in outcome expectation around some hidden performance criteria - when the entire ladder ecosystem is based around an SR metric ranked payout/labelling.

It’s just straight up lying to customers.

That is literal rigging, and shows a lack of understanding. Even “balancing” a competitive match is a kind of rigging. No one cherry picks the candidates before a race, using all kinds of analytics, to make sure it’s close. That would be rigging. They randomly put you into a heat, you compete/qualify, and move on. There is no adapting the opponents based on your performance.

We are left with non of your accusations. Because you are a maniac. Sorry to say it.

They don’t rig matches for 50/50 ffs.

The give you 2 teams of 6 that are roughly matched, thus meaning you logically have a 50/50 chance of winning.

You are the single most ridiculous person I’ve spoken to.

Maybe if you think something is legally up, hire a lawyer and go after them.

But, speaking as someone who works in law, specifically in patent law… you will be laughed out of any legal office.

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Well, let’s quote Scott for a moment:

<Will edit with link, source, reference>

No need to get toxic. I’m trying to have an intelligent conversation on behalf of the community and my survey group, who support fairplay non-rigged gaming.

I’ve also worked in IP (patent agent not lawyer) so you can try me there if you want.

In fact, I’m using special legal software to scour their IP portfolio. Which is how I know more about the patents than simple google patent earch.

That is completely wrong homie. The 4000 and 4500 gap is actually HUGE, I have been there myself and the skill level between the players in these two rankings are simply not comparable. 4000 is around normal players while 4500 are just the Top/pro players. The skill difference is huge

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GGGHHHSSSSS ‘maverick to tower’ ‘go ahead maverick’ ‘tower, the flyby is complete, request permission to land for fuel and resupply’ ‘maverick permission granted’



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Even if you 5/0 or 4/draw, or 4/1, you don’t really gain more than 100 sr. It’s basically glued to your last season’s rank.

500 SR is a huge diff in any rank. It is just harder to improve once you’re already near the top. 4000 SR is the top 1% of accounts so I wouldn’t call that a normal player. The average player or 50th percentile is around high gold based on the last data shown, albeit outdated.

I went 3-2 on tank and lost SR. Also it was in diamond where there is supposedly no PBSR.

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here’s a priority list for lucio

ult usage / damage prevented / deaths prevented
grouping with team (+ speedboost)
healing / damage per second at the objective
sound barriers casted overall (players affected by soundbarrier %)
environmental kills
headshot dmg %
healing / damage overall
objective time
using the same routes on the map as players in higher ranks
weapon + melee combinations

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Mostly just if you won or lost (For placements more). If you want to know more avout it, you can look at what the matchmaker could do by looking at the patent they have for the matchmaking