What mass Res would look like with a cast time

People will never accept to lose a game for a mercy.

They will cry for nerfs right in the day it comes.

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He’s pretty much Mercy’s inspiration; though TF2 gave you the options of load outs.

He was unique and although he was usually relegated to a pocket he did have more perks to switching who he pocketed since some of his gear granted him the same mobile perks of the the other mercs he was healing; including matching base speeds of classes faster than him, and abilities (like rocket jump and sticky launcher) to allow him to fly across the map with the other player.

He also had the closest thing to an Ult called Uber (think Ana’s Nano but both the merc you heal AND the medic both have it, also can be activated without the additional merc as a means to ensure your safety)

Seriously just google/youtube Medic TF2 and you can see a some really good gameplay as him.

I think why I enjoyed him more was because I felt more obligated to switch who I was healing, along with the freedom of changing out my stock weapons.

Also Minor Edit

Even though I do not like the idea of Mercy being a pocket, while do not mind it with The Medic; Medic got perks for being a pocket (as I said the additional mobility and the urber-charge that yes could be gotten other ways but the fastest was healing).

Mercy, however doesn’t get any perks for being said pocket; OW is much more flashier than TF2 and with the facts of special abilities and Ults really show that. Just relegating Mercy to a pocket in a game like OW is selling her short.


If she is underpowered and unfun why would people play her? Also it’s been a month since the hps nerf? Huh. Ok, well as I previously stated, add 5 hps to the healing, make damage boost give speed boost as well, or buff her pistol. No need for a massive rework when other heroes need it much more.

So why did Mercy get one she didn’t need? We didn’t ask for this rework, it’s garbage, Mercy deserves to be fixed.


Some people don’t view statistics?

Revert back to 60 and do nothing with her damage boost. After that, just rework her again.

That would make her more fun but alas, she’s a support. Not a dps.

Actually, other heroes just need buffs assuming we both have the same heroes in mind. Mercy on the other hand, with this rework, can only exist as overpowered and fun or underpowered and boring. You can’t balance res on e without making her boring and without making her slightly underpowered. She needs another rework. Or they could do themselves a favour and make life easier by just bringing back mass Resurrect with tweaks. They do have the code for it after all.

Why would change her when she is balanced already?

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She is not balanced, she is unfun and underpowered.

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But everyone else did. 27 > 1. The needs of the many outweigh the wants of the few.

Fun isn’t a statistic.

If you want to get in line for a rework, go ahead. Here’s the waiting list: Bastion, Reaper, Sym, Tracer, Doomfist, Pharah, and sym. If you want to get on the back of that line be my guest, but the back of the line it will be because other heroes need it MUCH more than you do.

All the other supports have half decent dps options, why not mercy?

If you buff bastion he wrecks the lower ranks completely. If you buff pharah console players are put into an even hotter hell than they are already in. If you nerf doomfist he will be the worst character in the game outside of GM. Buffs or nerfs won’t do, they need reworks to make sure they don’t mess up the game for half of the people.

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Source? (20 characters)

No that’s just the come down after being broken for over a year, you’ll shake it off.

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Source? (20 characters) (see it’s a dumb argument)

I’m not sure if you played anything other than mercy back in mass res, but it was stupid to have to win a team fight twice in a row and with any ults you used nullified.

In beta, if you casted Rez, you were frozen in place. The ability to move when casting Rez came a good month or two after launch.

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So her winrate in Masters, where some of the best players play, being 44% is just because she was broken? Please, elaborate.

Nice try cutting out the other part of that sentence. Clearly, I’m speaking for myself when I say she’s unfun, however.

This is speaking for others.

Well in the OWL where the even better players play, she was in 100% of the games before her nerfs.

So? We’re not talking about when the rework came out, we’re talking about how weak she is now.

And I told you, she just seems weak because you were on a power trip for over a year.

The underpowered part wasn’t important to my argument, you can have stats saying that she is underpowered. My point was that asking for a source on how fun something is doesn’t work. And I don’t know if you checked the forums back then but many non mercy mains wanted mass rez gone.

A 50% discrepancy is worse than a 6% discrepancy.

For the first point. As for fun, some people still find her fun. That’s mostly because of GA tech though. If that got nerfed, oh boy, she’d be the most boring hero in the game.

Bastion just needs a buff imo.


Tracer is quite balanced now. Especially since Brig got a huge nerf on PTR.

I mean, other than the fact that he has tons of bugs, he’s pretty fine.

Pharah is pretty balanced now. She doesn’t need a rework.

Sym just needs a buff. Not another rework.

Because she’s a pacifist.

As if that matters. Right now, Symmetra’s turrets destroy lower tiers. She doesn’t need to get reworked though because she literally just needs a buff to her primary.

She already got pretty decent changes on the PTR. Very much looks balanced.

I mean, do we need to nerf him though? He doesn’t need changes right now. He’s a hero that requires skill to be good. Working as intended.

Confidently disagree except for Reaper.

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Speaking of OWL…

Wasn’t D.Va, Zenyatta, and Tracer in almost 100% of their games too?

So…wouldn’t that make them Overpowered going by your logic?

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