What made you join the forums?

I first joined to get information about learning behavioral rules for the Overwatch game itself. Though rarely I posted otherwise.

However after I had a plaguing crash for my Overwatch Game Client in season 2 which Blizzard helped me out, I took the experience I learned from it and started to help other players both on Twitter (via the old CROWDS program) and the technical support forum. I became a forum MVP in May 2017.


We donā€™t talk about that anymore

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Iā€™m not mad hateful, just disappointed

All the fantastic opinions i have on the game :slight_smile:

Iā€™m very disappointed in myself too

Talked about it last December: šŸ¦ What Overwatch Skin Would You Edit?

" Honestly the nest on the Overgrown Bastion skin disappearing, has scarred me for years. (Itā€™s the real reason I joined this site, first post I made just after release.)

Beside the grass that blocks your site, that everyone complains about.

The most disturbing thing, is realize every time you ult, the way the animations work, you are dropping a nest of your Birdy best friendā€™s child in it. (Killing your birdy friendā€™s unhatched baby bird EVERY TIME you ult)

I was hoping to get some extra animation there like your tucking the nest away or something."

ā€œSometimes Iā€™m not sure why I even botherā€

ā€œSomeone call the whambulanceā€

ā€œIā€™ll send you myā€¦ piece of cake!ā€

I also came to the forums to share my love of voice line combos.

ā€œA most impressive- piece of cakeā€

ā€œLife is pain, so + I have your + piece of cake!ā€

The mercy main has prevailed

I came to forums out of boredom. Usually if Iā€™m at work and Iā€™m waiting for the computer thatā€™s processing something to catch up with me.

At first it was to talk people about Overwatch. Now itā€™s laughing mode for me in how completely biased people are now here.

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Curiosity for the most part

Pretty sure it was to complain about Brig.

I joined when I got the game made a couple posts with some ideas then I didnā€™t post again till around the time the Lucio and Ana changes were on the PTR.

I probably had some non-issue I wanted to whine about.

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No Dā€™: Donā€™t ever feel that way! You! Are a cow! The highest form of life there is! All of India stands by you! Noble earthbound godā€¦

I first visited back in January 2017 to ask for clarification on Sombraā€™s Hack. I thought from the description that I would be able to see the hacked targetā€™s ultimate charge percentage, so I didnā€™t really understand what it was showing me.

I tend to end up participating on the forums for most games I play, though. I enjoy helping people out in general, so I get some satisfaction from answering peopleā€™s questions on game forums once Iā€™m knowledgeable enough about the associated game.

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