What is your incentive to play?

Having fun. If it’s anything else then that’s a problem.

I’m almost to gold portrait so I can lord it over plebs before it gets too common.

Don’t get too excited, a gold border is what people use against you every game that you lose. It can get annoying after a while.

Getting my gold guns for D.Va at the end of season, after that im not so sure :sweat_smile:

I’ve been trash talking before some of these people were born. Also I mute and report frequently.

Life goes on.

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Honestly? Cosmetics. I really like the skins, and emotes, and all that stuff. I’m a bit of a collector, when it comes to stuff like that, so I enjoy leveling up, opening boxes, and then either getting new items or coins to purchase new items. It’s fun for me.

Honestly, I rarely play any game “just for fun”. When I fire up again, I always have some objective in mind. Maybe it’s to get a certain achievement, beat a certain level, or unlock new items, or whatever, but I almost always play with a purpose in mind.

Been gaming that way for over 20 years, even since I was a kid. I grew up on stuff like Pokemon, though, which was a very objective base game. Get the badges, collect pokemon, level them up, all that good stuff. I, rarely, pick up a game just to “goof around”. Only game I can say I really do that with is something like GTA. There’s times I’ll fire up a game like that, just to grab a vehicle and drive around a few things for a while. But that’s rare

Awe, you beat me to it.

I still have fun.

am bored. video gaem fun

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To T-bag people with Ana and make all Doomfist players tilt of the face of the Earth of-course.

Edit: And to sleep dragon-blades, that’s my favorite one.

The reason I keep playing is because I love to learn new stuff, this game is so complex, every hero has their own way to play.

I started with Mercy, I got to 4.4 in season 16 with her after basically mastering every aspect of her kit, then I started playing Widowmaker and Pharah on my DPS account and peaked at 4k two tricking them, then I added Hanzo to the mix and did the exact same with him, now I’m working on Ana. Just went from 3k to 3700 with a 70% winrate learning more and more how to play the hero.

Learning all of the cool concepts in this game keeps me hooked.

And honestly, even after 2400+ hours in this game, I still feel the same way now as I did when I first got the game.

Not into another game right now besides Sims 4 so I come here when I want some more action-y game play. At least until a new game comes out.

Log in - get frustrated - log off

Feels like something is missing.

Log in - get frustrated again - log off

Rinse repeat.

Pointless? I don’t care. No other games like OW to me.

However will definately change ship if there is truly a competitor to this game.


Hammond and Ashe overall.

Because I’m a crackhead

Mostly just learning the heroes. Getting as good as I can with them. I have 700+ hours into the game but primarily on only 10 or so heroes, so every now and then I like to pick a random one and use it as often as I can until I feel really comfortable with them or determine that I’ll never enjoy them and never get comfortable.

Sometimes it surprises me and heroes I thought I hated I end up really liking, Roadhog, McCree, Ana, and Lucio are good examples of heroes I despised and now adore.

Eventually I want to get to the point where I’m the ultimate flex player, with 100 hours or more on each hero and a solid grasp of the ins and out of the hero on my way to unlocking their full potential.

It is fun to play, I can grind for skins, it is the only decent first person shooter on console if you do not want to get into Siege because it is pay to win. Lots of reasons.

Been playing since release and haven’t gotten bored yet. I really love this game so much and it has so many fun heroes and game modes that even when i get bored of one i can find something else that is enjoyable.

But in the end, I always come back for Mercy. I love everything about her and she is just so much fun to play. After a hard day i know i can hop on her, play some music, and just relax.

it’s a much more slow paced and relaxing game compared to csgo or rainbow six siege. i dont instantly die in fights, so i get to react and fight back, instead of needing to anticipate the attack and stay glued to the screen.

I do play with friends sometimes. But when I play by myself (which is 90% of the time) I just do it to pass time.