What is the rarest Genji Skin to date?

Wouldn’t it be pacific & illidan? I’ve always thought that rare skins like this will always be the most rare since many ppl maybe didn’t get their hands on these.

Because other skins are always going to be available for purchase in like the end of time. But not special skins like owl or event like pink mercy who might never come back.
And this is just my opinion about it but i might even be wrong :man_shrugging:t2:

i really want pacific to come back
it just looks really sick to me

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There was a forum user named genji…damn

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Yeah i totally agree, i’m sorry you didn’t get the chance to buy it tho :pensive: even if i don’t play genji that much i still wanted to get it for collecting purposes :blush:

Any Vanilla Legendaries.

i main both genji and tracer, and love both their pacific skins…
wish i got the game back in 2018 :((

the rarest legendary that still can be bought is probably kendoka lol its just… off…

3 y e a r s l a t e r


when i first saw this thread i was surprised nobody was saying illidan genji, then i saw the time this thread was made…


When did you start playing? :hushed: I’ve always wanted these types of skins to actually comeback because i wish ppl like you would get a chance to buy them as well. I really don’t see how limited skins are a good thing :roll_eyes: wish they could just add them on the owl page where you can buy owl skins and just add like an option for 200 tokens or something. It’s just so dumb imo having them locked away for no reason at all, like blizzard doesn’t benefit from that in any way at all.

i know right???
btw i started playing in 2020 :slight_smile:
also i really want comic tracer :pleading_face: :pleading_face:

Definitely illidan genji. Pretty skin but… 50€? Really?


My friend I would gladly give it to you. I usually use the Overwatch grey skin anyway.

ohhh if only it was possible :cry: its a win-win situation

I mean not technically since I wouldn’t be winning anything, but I wouldn’t be losing anything either… I don’t even use the skin, it’s just sitting in my gallery…

win-neutral then hmph. i still dislike limited edition skins, like theres people who might have barely missed it…

Yeah me too. I don’t really care if the skin is “exclusive” or not. I just want to have skins dude. Who cares if everyone has a skin that is considered “Exclusive”? Just let everyone rock the skin they want dude literally what is the problem here.

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yeah id buy the pacific genji skin for even like 5k creds now hehe

Ew. I mean sure. It’s kinda ugly but you do you. If they ever came back they should maintain the original price though. So that genji skin would be 200 Overwatch league tokens.

lol ngl its just the flames and the unique sound lines from 2018