What is the point of having rank Decay at high ranks

i can understand top 500. But, why does GM and Master have rank decay. I highly doubt Gm skill has droped to dimand level in one week.

To encourage you to play as those player populations are very small.

so encouraging them to play is to make them play in lower rank against other gm. if you want to encourage people to play make the game better.

The issue is that SR decay does not accurately represent how a player’s skill degrades when they aren’t playing.

People can leave Overwatch for weeks, come back again, and be completely back to normal in a matter of a few games.

Blizzard really needs to overhaul the SR decay system

I’d rather decay didn’t exist until GM and then you’d just decay to 4000. I don’t want people just hanging out above that to get an easy T500 with minimal games at the end of the season but sometimes I might go on a trip or something and don’t want to lose a few hundred SR for it.

Decay is meant to prevent people from camping their SR. I’ll be honest, I think it’s very pointless for Diamond and Master tier to have decay, only GM+ should have decay.

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SR decay also discourages people who take a break from Overwatch from coming back and playing again in that particular season.

If I decay to 3.3k and I play 1 match, the game now considers me diamond, even though I’m GM. That is objectively poor design. It discourges players from returning to Overwatch after a break because they have to make the climb again when they really shouldn’t need tot.

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right now i am camp plat. Becuse i an playing other games. But, i can see why people think its a bad thing.

Decay is infuriating, because it is meaningless. Your hidden MMR does not reflect you SR when you decay, so there are many seasons where I have decayed to 3000 on one account or another, and then when I queue I am in a very high SR game, and my teamates are just livid at a diamond in their game and will literally leave chat and throw from that alone. It’s insane. If decaying your SR has literally zero effect on your actual games or MMR, why have it.

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Or at worst, only have it where GM and Masters can decay.
No point in having it decay all the way to just above Platinum.

Decay doesn’t affect MMR. 4500 SR player decaying to 3000 SR will still be matched with 4500 SR players.

This is why you get major SR gains (I’ve had up to +100 SR) and minimal losses (I’ve gotten -1 SR) after a large decay, until your SR “catches up” to your MMR. Those are your warm up games.

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Well, your SR value would be Diamond, but your hidden MMR would still be GM.

Rank decay does not change your MMR, and it never has. Much like disconnecting from games, your hidden MMR is not altered.

This means that say a 4.2k player decays to 3.4k, if that player wins a game, he will gain an insane amount of SR because his SR is much more below than his MMR, it won’t take many wins to get those two numbers about the same again.

But yes, I agree it does discourage people from taking breaks and is a pretty bad thing overall for Diamond and Masters. I argue that it should be in GM+ because well, it’s the highest rank of the game. I enjoy the decay system.

I find it intersting how rank decay been i. The game for well over a year now.

It basically does the opposite for me. I’m not an OW streamer, so I don’t play that much. And it’s really discouraging having to climb to master over and over, without falling out the legit way.

I do not believe the system is good in any regard. I just believe that is the logic behind the decision. I hate decay even though I only experienced it minimally at diamond.

Heh, maybe have it decay down to 3750. Mid-Masters