What is the lore team working on?

It’s not a thread made to criticise the Blizzard employes responsible for the lore, it’s just curiosity.

Like I said, what is the team working on right now? I know that it’s not easy to create a universe with fitting and interesting backstories for every hero, with new heroes added all the time, etc, but is it possible to get more small bits over time?
Ofc the “big events” and stuff (who blew up the Swiss HQ, what happened after Recall) is reserved for special occasions or animated shorts, but what about not really impactful stories that won’t collide with the main events?
Like Bastet, it was so well received by fans. Are there plans for more stuff like that?

Just little bits here and there that flesh out the characters and the ow universe would be really apreciated by the fans.

Thx for reading and a response would be awesome :slight_smile:


I’d just like to know the reason why the comics just stopped. Of all things those seemed the strangest to completely halt.


It has been a year of 0 progress so far.
I don’t know what they are even heading.

Also I wouldn’t be surprised if the only lore stuff we get this year is the Archives thing.

Pretty sad honestly.

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It’s only February - have a bit of patience. Yes we get lore at Archives, but we also get lore with every hero release, and Jeff has confirmed that a new run of comics are in production.

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I know is only feb, I posted that based on the lore introduced in 2018 which was really low and sad.

So it gives me the vibe that this year may be the same or worse.

But I hope you are right.


How is it 0 progress so far when we had a short story released in the beginning of the year…?


Yeah, if I remember right the only comic in 2018 was the archives one, which could have easily been done in 2017 and held until the archives event.

My guess is that there were zero comics actually worked on in 2018. Which is a shame. But hopefully the short stories will be able to further the lore at a better pace.

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Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t remember the community being too happy about it


No the community was happy about it, you just heard al the complaints because that’s what people do the most on the forums =)

True but certain characters are more relevant than others so sometimes we learn nothing new. Just compare Moira to Ashe. Moira was connected to a lot of events and characters while Ashe only has ties to Mccree.
Lore is scarce and relying on hero release
for lore is almost as time consuming as waiting around for archives.


They’re prolly sitting around, twiddling their thumbs and snacking on cookies while waiting on some miracle idea to pop up.

~ PyroPanda

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We’re only two months in?

I would very much love a short story on character backgrounds/ motivations
I mean i’ll keep saying it til i’m blue in the face but I desire a Junkrat background story like no tomorrow, how he managed to survive from 5-25 years of age and how he stumbled on his treasure, doesn’t even have to say what it is, but it would be nice to know

Edit for freudian slip

According to a recent interview, at this point Chu has written enough stories to fill a novel, literally.

So yeah, the lore is there. regardless of how good it is. And there’s tons more of it in OW than there is in other similar games.

We’re just not being shown anything.

Can I ask for a source?

https :// medium. com/@ltgaila345/transcript-english-translation-of-alphacasts-interview-with-a-lead-character-artist-on-overwatch-73c6a4ddfdef

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Thank you for this!!! I’ve been waiting for this for a while now :slight_smile:

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What’s the point of him writing all that stuff if we’re not going to see any of it?

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Quite a lot of very interesting tidbits… Renaud mentions a few times there’s big things coming for OW, and that he’s working on something “else” right now. Wonder what that would be.

I guess we only get bits to keep us going/interested in the game. When he pumps out everything in the span of 1 or 2 years, there’s nothing left to write about.
But idk :man_shrugging: