What is the GOATS meta?

Just seen the term a ton so what does it entail

Goats is the name of the contenders team with notable players such as xqc, gator , cologue etc who won open division with only dropping one map by playing GOATS
3 tanks 3 supports
3 tanks consist of
Rein/Winston + Zarya + dva
3 supports consist of
Moira/ana/zen + Lucio + brig


GO All Tanks & Supports


GOATs is a popular composition right now, consisting of 3 tanks and 3 supports. In particular, it’s Zen, Lucio, and Brig for Supports and Rein/Winston, Zarya, and Dva for tanks.

Zen is sometimes swapped for an Ana or Moira.

Another variation of GOATs in SNOATs, which replaces one of the tanks with Mei.

Goats was the name of the team that used the comp to great success and made it popular so its now called goats comp.