What is the cheapest phone number you can get?

My daughter likes collecting skins and playing vs AI games. She is too young to have her own phone, though. What are my options here?

Also, I was thinking about this - if it costs less than $40, and that OW1 price tag didn’t stop smurfs, how is this method going to be any better?

I’ve heard an app called Talkatone gets you a workable number for about $2-4, though it might cost a bit more than that in the long run.

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The problem with using temporary phone numbers like this is that Blizzard will periodically send another SMS verification.

If you no longer have access to that number, they will lock your account and then demand photos of your government ID (matching the name on your account) and photos of your utility bills or mail you got to your house.

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There was actually an update about talkatone. You can apparently get one for 99 cents. And to be clear, this post is about keeping the same phone number.
Oh, and 60 credits is 99 cents. So the 20 credits referenced is only 33 cents.

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Okay, so we’re looking at about $5 a year?

Well about that… I have some bad news for you.


Maybe u can give her ur wifes phone number if thats available. Or just ask a friend/relative cause chances are its a 1 time input

It will not be a one time input. If you change locations, computers/OS, or go long enough without verification, they will send another SMS message.

You need to retain access to the phone number or else you will be locked out of your account.

You’ll obviously be able to change ur phone number. But considering the age of his daughter, borrowing a relatives phone number until shes old enough to actually own a cell /stops playing seems like the best option to me

You cannot change the phone number on your blizzard account without having access to both the current one and the new one you want to switch to.

If you lose access to the phone number your account will be locked and Blizzard support will ask for photos of government ID and bills to unlock, if they don’t match the name on the account, you are permanently locked out.