What is more problematic with Brig

not as bad as the second and third season, and right now blizzard is tryna get a rerun

repair pack , it’s what gets her the hate from other support players. it steps on mercy/lucio toes and directly competes with them now that there are multiple charges. take ALLLLLL that power and put it on her tankiness and DIRECT peel potential. she wasnt meant to HEAL A TON she was supposed to increase healing output by relieving stress from the other support player like the ana , mercy , zen while putting out ENOUGH healing that she wasn’t a throw pick in the support role and just overall be a tanky SUPPORT not a healer

no they aren’t, it’s not possible with this amount of healing in the game.
they’d have to cut healing numbers by atleast half to get down to original numbers.

there’s a reason why genji is what he is now.

besides pre-role qeue the ladder was horrible.
basically 1 support 5 dps for the majority of games.
and you could guess what those characters were, and why one-tricking was such a hot button issue back then.

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What’s the problem with her? The fact that she’s doing too many thing at once.

She’s a healer, a tank AND and Dps
She’s a short range healer AND a long range healer
She’s a short range dps AND a part-time long range (whip-slash)
She’s has cc (Stun) AND crowd control (whip slash) AND mobility (with her utl and shield bash you are good enough with it)
She has an Aoe heal AND a bust heal.

So yea, each of these thing individually are fine, it’s the fact that it’s all in 1 character. Yes Moira, and Anna are similar, but Brig is just take the jack-of-all-trade to the extreme.

Imo she’s a close range crowd control healer, and the dev should hone her kits to this and get rid of ability that doesn’t aid to this niche. Take away either her repair packor whipslash or both. And replace it with some kind of temporary boost healing/ dmg for example.

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CC in combination with packs and peeling. In Brig Meta you made a whole comp and playstile useless with that.
Currently the best part of her kit is the CC, Mercy can peel a lot too, but Brig has point presence and allows the team to play outside of the objective and can Stun Hamond, so he has to play very passive.

What damage? Her damage is really below average when comparing to supports…


From which perspective? Playing her or playing against her?

My senses are tingling that you are taking this too seriously.

Its only a game, Why do you have to be mad ?

i honeslty want them to revert inspire nerf and remove or reduce repair pack because i hate that no skill piece of poop.as a brig main myself

It’s pretty much always been pack imo, makes her too good at peeling compared to mercy or lucio, too good at enabling flankers compared to zen and too good at healing for an off support

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I feel the reason why she was very op from the start and the years that came by was because they made her and her entire kit have all the necessities to succeed. She had damage, crowd control, tankiness, aoe healing, armor stacking.

The problem with having a character with pretty much everything is that Bliz is eventually going to nerf every aspect about her, which makes her lose a bit of a direction for her.

Her repair pack

3 repair packs give Brig high healing output + inspire makes people unkillable

Just revert brig to pre 222 state , where she was tanky but with low healing output :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s the fact that her kit is waaay more close to be Tank-like than Support-like.

So if she’s good at Brawling, she is durable at W+M1 people, with consistent self-durability, damage & CC, able to sustain her engagement and gaining/holding space. So the problem is “why does she has to heal teammates on top of that”?

And if she’s good at healing, she doesn’t need durability and neither a melee weapon to deal damage if she’s gonna be focused on watching her teammates health-bars.

It’s like designing a Sniper Tank, it’s too complicated to balance and potentially can make the character very powerful.

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The over-arching problem is the community’s warped vision of her, still, to this day AND the fact her sustain isn’t as strong as other supports.
People will generally call her skill-less when they make the positioning mistake of entering within 12m of her because they’d rather attack someone else than admit they f’ed up.

Walking up to a Brig is like trying to contest a Junkrat in a hallway or being anywhere on the map vs Widow.

Positioning mistakes vs Brig = lol Brig player bad.
Positioning mistakes vs Widow = lol get better positioning.

I wouldn’t say poor sustain is bad, it more highlights the issue that players are used to greater sustain supports, die and then get mad there’s a Brig, even though they may not have noticed that Brig contested the Doom attacking Ana and even managed to stop Ball wreaking havoc…
Her strength is her utility which often goes un-noticed.

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Repair pack, just pack.

55 hps, autotargeted on high range with incredible self and team peel.

I wish they lowered the healing on pack by A LOT then slightly increased inspire again and made pack give armor in some way again.

None by themselves. I just take issue with three pack stack . Not the pack itself.

I really, really, really hate three pack stack and tbh, I don’t agree with her buff because I thought she was fine.

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i’m gonna speak for myself here as someone who likes brig to a good degree
(less nowadays because of the importance of healing in her kit)

for me it’s never been about the healing that’s fun with her, that’s just something that’s added to make her “be a support”

to me she was this support that supported supports and the frontline in close range engagements and could venture out and create plays if she didn’t add much value to her team being with them.

but with the heavy emphasis on supporting more through heals and sustain she got boring because she didn’t have to take as many risks and didn’t want to either because she didn’t need to.

and i feel like the repair pack and the inspire and rally with the armorheal is 3 things i simply don’t care about in her kit at all, it wouldn’t bother me one bit if they took that out in order to push her melée prowess up and ability to swoop in and deflect some shots.

or keep a watch over flanks or possibly go on a flank to either catch someone or to push someone into a bad position.

melée fighter brig = good,
healer brig = bad.

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Cc is okay-ish as you can break the barrier
Since the nerf

Ult is okay, since the nerf

I don’t like the kit, swinging doesn’t give much room for error/improvement
(i know about reinhardt swings + moving his mouse, to wider the area of effect)
Guns in general are just much more different, as you can:
A reload
B miss
C headshot

Repairpack, compared to launch is okay, launch was digusting imho. :sweat_smile: And forced me to widow ohk everyone i want to kill.

Inspire i think is quite well thought out.
Peeling is amazing, i like it

Hero idea (not the dive stop idea, the paladin idea) is done quite good.

Personal pov.
Release brig made me actually hate the hero.
But unlike moira, this hate for brig went downhill as the above mentioned nerfs got live.
As of now, she’s a hero like the others (not my favourites) but not hated.
Just has a very very dark past.

I can ony speak for myself which could be categorized into a plat / dia mindset.

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repair pack and inspire is an issue, so is rally because armor.

but anyways what i wanted to talk about is the melée brig has, at it’s current iteration i don’t think it makes sense.

aoe attacks are ment to hit several people and the skill from aoe attacks like brigs and reinhardts etc was to hit as many people with it as possible to increase their damage output to have a greater impact on the game.

and the limitation is basically that both are not really that mobile and have to struggle to get close enough.

but as we’ve seen they took brig a different direction and now her aoe attack is more so just to zone a single enemy from the space she’s in and try to stall as much as possible until help arrives because her worth isn’t from damage it’s from hanging back and being a bodyguard and a healer.

old brig was fun because she was lethal and she had more options in how she approached the game, now it’s just dull heal bot that doesn’t want to fight.

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Good last few comments. Good input guys. Thanks.

Edit: I think removing one health pack, giving her quicker shield deployment and a slight curve to her shield and nerfing her amount of armor on rally is a good direction to go.

I don’t think hp is the issue guys. As I laugh because that’s why people are upset is because she got back 25 of the 50 hp she lost. Push blizzard to change something else and do what right for BRIG :shield:.