What is going on with the game?

I loved this game… I just play it now and I do not have fun anymore. Idk what it is. Get gud, get better, whatever. I just hate how at the end of the day, this game is so dynamic and there is so many angles to play this game but when I play mid plat games it just seems like it always comes down to one issue, one person that is just dominating the entire game. I don’t get how that happens in game with so many variables but it does and that is the state of my experience so far.

After all that time this post is even more relevant today… shame


wow. neat thread. sure did deserve #3

Good job ignoring literally every point OP made while simultaneously riding Blizzard’s rooster.

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ono. i made people fight. oopsie doopsie


20 charactersss

how dare you uwu me >:(

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lol, there’s still no response to this months later.


I just started like 2 weeks ago

There are so many. Like you either get pinned from 20 kilometres away from him or the Rein doesn’t pin you at all, even though you should have, and he ends up dying. I have been playing the game for the longest time and Rein’s charge still isn’t fixed. You brought up other amazing points too that need to be addressed and fixed instantly, so thank you for making this post.

I think you forget who you’re dealing with. Blizzard does not improve its games to placate the simple gamers. The only group they try to placate are the esports nuts who are getting paid to play their game anyway. Pretty much all of the games improvements that have been made since release are meant to make competitive players happy, regardless of how it affects the everyday player.

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It bothers me how I can be in a literal crowd of teammates but the charging Rein still somehow always grabs my bee-bopping musical treefrog @ss and slams me into a wall halfway across the map.

And then I can stand there as a lone Hog or Orisa with maybe a single teammate/healer beside me and he misses me entirely and just knocks me into the air.

More to the original point, I definitely feel like the devs don’t care anymore unless they make something that can turn them a profit. You notice they’ve put out new merch for D.Va, and merch for Lucio (including the mysterious cereal I STILL CAN’T FIND), but Lucio’s lore is basically a scant handful of voiceline interactions. You notice they advertise the sh!t out of OWL and make a bunch of skins to push token and lootbox sales during events, but all the actual new ‘content’ is lackluster at best (Storm Rising was a massive letdown, let’s not kid ourselves). The smurfing problem is at an all-time high to the point I can’t report “Road to Bronze/Derank to Bronze” LFG groups fast enough but they never get banned or punished properly because that means cutting off the money supply that buying multiple accounts brings. (In fact don’t even get me started on the absolute failure that was LFG and the endorsement system.)

Even Workshop itself was a disappointment - all the creative game modes people came up with, Floor is Lava, Hammond/D.Va Racing, Lucio Surfing, D.Va Mystery Egg, Murder Mystery, and what do they put out instead but not one, but two deathmatch FFA modes.

At this point, if it doesn’t make them money, they don’t care.

For me the role que in QP shouldn’t be. The game has lost it’s luster and lifefulness. Some games were absolutely hilarious to play, people’s individual choices and way of play made QP fun, now it’s just something to do when wasting time. But it’s dull.
Sometimes making changes for the change’s sake is not productive when unnecessary. People are calling to bring old Overwatch back, so why not, isn’t that good thing that it was really liked before?

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What’s going on with the game is that there is no cross platform and this needs to be fixed immediately. Thank you.



YESSS Mei is a hero to the people. (woulda done all caps but apparently “Body is unclear, is it a full message?” like, wtf, even the forum is broken)

This is so accurate.


Dormammu i’ve come to bargain.

If you can’t necro threads without a reason, what is a good reason ?
I just wanted to respond to some threads that are more relevant to me, but you ban me and remove all my posts without a reason.
You just slap a child who can’t even speak and expect them to understand your telepathy.
You have lost your mind Dormammu, your way, and your people Dormammu.

p.s. if you dont want necro, just prevent responding to aged posts or give me a valid reason of why my reason isnt a reason and what the secret reason is to be able to reply to an older post, that i can clearly reply to but apparently if it upsets a soft shelled candy fish it is enough for ghosting me from the forums with no reason. i am a sad gamer.

And Ana is being nerfed… WTF

This gets a reward:

Just let it die, been necro’d so many times.