What is going on with the game?

In 20 years I’ve been playing Blizzard games, they’ve just never seemed to understand the time sunk fallacy. They persist with bad directions far, far beyond a point that most people would recognise that something simply isn’t working.


Pretty much what I came to say. I completely believe the dev team care passionately for this game, however, I think their focus is seemingly being misaligned.

Whilst we dont actually know, if the dev team doesnt have a dedicated OWL team and instead has had them all focused towards that, then that is a joke. As ultimately that is crapping on the people that made this game a success - the general players.

This is something they very much need to clarify, but whatever they say, theyre gonna get damned, its a no win situation, either booo for focusing on OWL or boo for being lazy on events.

I know its easy to say the playerbase is just greedy and “we” should be thankful for what we get but the game was sold under the pretense of regular free updates and for the last couple of years we’ve gotten roughly similar event updates, This one however is a poor imitation of previous events, is very lackluster and players are within their right to question what the hell.


They persist to the point of ridiculousness. It would be funny if i didnt have the game. Heck even EA isn’t that stubborn. Even paladins devs understand the concept that sometimes the player is right and they are wrong.






Why are people defending Blizzard? OP is 100% accurate.


Blizzard intentionally misleads its playerbase constantly. From bribing people with free skins in OWL to PTR and even the dev posts are trying to convince players that they matter to them when blizzard values their opinions over anything else, even facts.


You are lucky if your forum account is not suspsended or banned, because they neither like Blizzard in a thread title nor any kind of critizism.

Once they got your money and you don’t purchase lootboxes or even better smurf accounts you are worthless for them and that’s exactly how the NEW Blizzard handles customers.


I just find it remarkable how not a single Dev has picked up on this. They’ve probably seen all the hate, but they won’t admit to it. They won’t apologise, because they’re Blizzard.


If either of those things happen, I’ve saved a document of this and I’ll just make a video about it. I’m not going to be censored by Blizzard because they can’t take criticism.

If they lock it and refuse to respond to any of these criticisms, it’s just proving my point.

You know what’s funny too? Smurfs themselves getting far higher ranks than their main accounts. I have a smurf account (which I won’t name on here or I’ll get banned) and it’s stuck in low Gold, yet on my main account gdaka, I’m ranked high plat and I’ve been there for pretty much the last 10 seasons.


Good job reading only the title and not the post with actual points made.

Good sheep, go buy some lootboxes now.


Pshh at least the fortnite creators care about the darn players I don’t even play the game and its obviously years ahead of Overwatch in that aspect.


Note that we haven’t received and probably will never receive a dev update for this latest event because of how little was actually added to it. lol


Blizzard would let their game die rather than admit they ever made a mistake. In their mind if something isn’t working then it’s the players fault. They treat their players like children who don’t know better and only they know how to balance their game.


Um, i play it, it way better than BR, which is way to boring.

Yes, it been slow, but if you kept up with the news, you knows they just hired a bunch of new people for stories, and art and such . So I am sure, once they are settle in, and up to date, we will see more.

They rather brag about how every rework and balance patch is a huge success.


Not once have they did that, and not matter how good they are, people will complain

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I hate Fornite. But at least their Devs update the game and care about their players. If they can create a new skin every week then Blizzard can damn well do better.


Right after the mercy rework they blindly claimed it was a success despite players and pros screaming it wasn’t. They then said it again months later despite even more negative feedback.


They also enjoy patting themselves on the back with the OWL final view count despite Chinese TV ratings being extremely unreliable (which make up most of the view count) and TV ratings in general being approximations.