What is Brigitte's job now? (PTR version)

The combo to kill flankers (her literal job; she was made to counter them) is now four slow melee’s and then land whipshot (35+35+35+35+70)

Yeah, have fun with that. You could kill them so much faster/further away as Lucio or even Mercy with pistol out. So what exactly is Brigitte’s role now if she cannot even counter who she’s supposed to?

Is McCree the last living hope we have to actually secure elims on Doofist/Genji/Tracer?

“Just combo with your team mate when you shieldbash lol” That’s a wayyyy tall order.

I regularly play Ana and I sleep a key target and spam “group up” like my life depended on it yet nobody comes to help me kill a lot of the time, and that’s a CC for 7 seconds or so. Shieldbash is like 1 second of CC…

TL;DR: There’s really no reason to play Brig now. She is now outperformed in damage, in healing, in mobility, in 1v1 solo killing potential, and in ult impact by other supports


She’s a tank/healer hybrid.

She’s just not a tank/healer/damage hybrid.

Because that would be silly.


Ironically, tanks can do lot of damage.


Can tanks heal teammates?


Does tanks have 250 health?


I’m just having trouble seeing why I would play her now…

Ana: better and longer range healing
Moira: double better healing and long range easy damage
Lucio: better boop and speed
Mercy: better mobility and heals on demand
Zen: best ranged damage output

Brig used to have ‘best 1v1 solo killing’ but now that’s up in smoke, so…she doesn’t do anything better or even decent, esp with no mobility and no heals on demand at any time (has to wait for cooldown on repair pack)


Use mic lol, sometimes I play Ana without mic and spam hello jumping towards the sleeping target (if its off main fight). People don’t have 360 vision or can see behind your cover :sweat_smile:


Her job now is the same as her job was before PTR nerfs. Same job, just different.


Are we going to act like Brig doesn’t have a shield, self healing, and armor. As well as a stun and a knockback?

  1. She’s hard to kill
  2. She’s got 5 ways to Peel for teammates
  3. She’s got 4 ways to deal with Ults
  4. She’s got a relatively long stun, on a low cooldown, that’s instant, ranged, and can’t be matrixed

Honestly seeing a post like this makes me think people were clueless as to why Brigitte was even good. Or hell, to how most things even work in this game.

Her damage in the combo was barely relevant. Only idiot Tracers even blinked into her in the first place.

Brigitte still has all of her basic tools. The only HUGE change is stun not going through shield. That drastically changes her interaction with tanks for the better. Shield Bash was cheap. Maybe it’s problematic that barriers have less counters, but if it had to be in a way as dumb as shield bash, it’s good that it’s gone.

Bash as a CC is still strong. Whip Shot is still strong. Armor pack is still insane. Rally is still very strong especially against heroes like Tracer.

If you really think Shield Bash being busted was Brigitte’s only job, I don’t really know what to say.


Might have something to do with the fact that within half a second of swinging her flail, she can combo a 200hp hero down to 10hp.


I don’t know man…I used to only pick Brig when enemy team had Tracer, Genji, Doomfist, enemy Brig, or Rein.

Now, she won’t have any advantage over fighting Reins so that’s out. The rest she can’t do a combo kill anymore so those are out.

I almost NEVER got gold healing with Brig so that’s never a reason to pick her…

Just seems like I should play Moira or Ana every single game at this point, or Mercy if I’m really sleepy lol

I’m discussing her PTR build where shieldbash now does 5 damage so you can no longer secure the double melee+bash+whipshot to kill someone.

It’s now four melees in a row then whipshot to kill, which is absurdly longer and every other support can kill faster in some way


Her job is still to counter flankers.

Her E ability instantly heals her teammate + gives them armor, making an enemy team’s or flanker’s dive useless and wasting their resources/cooldowns.

Her ult makes Tracer, Dva, Genji, and Winston effectively useless, and she gets it very fast.

Her whipshot lets her counter flankers and dive tanks and displace the enemy to peel for her backline.

Her shieldbash is still a super strong stun to get divers off her backline.

She just can’t oneshot people now, which is good.

Adapt, grow, learn. Brig will still counter flankers, just in a much healthier way now.


Let’s put it this way. Brig has an absurdly high winrate.

And it’s pretty unlikely she’s going to fall down to a low winrate.


Should have been Rein specific, seeing as she can’t really deal with Winston diving her now.

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Brig is the 10th most pick hero and has the 2ND highest winrate, 3rd highest on-fire rate.

And somehow, that wasn’t a problem lol

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Almost sounds like you don’t want Dive heroes to be viable.


Sure she can. Now it’s an actual matchup.

The Winston is going to try to place his bubble down before she can stun him, and dance around his shield to avoid the bash. Brig now plays to catch him before he can drop bubble, or catch him on the inside/outside of his shield. She also still has whip shot to screw up his dives.

C O U N T E R P L A Y :open_mouth:


Her job now is to get value for existing. Press M1 to profit. Great job guys.